Chapter 2

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2: House


That was the first word out of our mouths as we pulled up to the house. We'd seen pictures of it from the realtor, but it was even bigger in person. It was a Dutch Colonial styled house with a dull colored roof and white railings for the front porch. There was also a sun room that was visible on the side.

Trees surrounded us, for as far as the eye could see. Eventually they thinned out before becoming open fields. We were in the middle of nowhere, with a huge house to explore, and the woods! What could be better?

"I call dibs on the largest bedroom!" Sab called out, dropping her bag and racing towards the front door. Her heavy footsteps pounded up the front stairs onto the porch as she opened the door and ran inside.

"Isn't the door supposed to be locked?" I asked, concerned about what or who may be in there.

"Somebody came by earlier to unlock the door for us. Don't worry Zaria, everything will be fine here. But bring your bags in and tell Sabrina to come back and get hers." Dad opened the trunk as Anna wandered towards the house.

I held Kaleb's hand, despite him being eight years old. We walked to the door, dragging our bags along with us. Kaleb opened the door and pushed it open slowly before stepping in. I looked around, gasping in amazement. I knew that Kaleb's eyes were growing bigger too.

There was a set of black spiral stairs in the back leading up to a loft in the house. The loft overlooked the kitchen and living room. There was a picture window with a bed as part of the living room in the back right corner of the house. There would be enough space for two couches and a chair in there.

The kitchen to the very right of the door held a refridgerator, an oven, stove, and an island counter in the middle. It would be perfect for cooking, since my dad is the chef of the family. My mom could just barely manage making us popcorn or heating something up in the microwave. We've lived off of cereal and toast as breakfast for most of our lives, but we're all healthy.

To the left was the dining room, as well as where Kaleb and my rooms would be. The twins and our parents would be staying upstairs beyond the open loft.

"Let's find my room!" Kaleb shouted, letting go of my hand and running past the dinning room and to the left. I laughed and followed him, bag in tow.

We walked past the empty dining room and the staircase that led down to the basement, then turned into our section of the house. At then end of the hall stood a closet, whereas our rooms were down a small side section of the hallway. The doors to our rooms faced each other and the bathroom sat between them.

I entered my room and set my bags down in the empty place. I smiled, looking out of the double window to my right. the last light of the day shone in. It was odd, being three hours ahead of the time zone I'd grown up in. That meant we'd lost three hours of our lives. How beautiful.

"Z! Z! Come look at my room! It's huge! It's bigger than your old room!" Kaleb exclaimed from his room. I laughed and walked over into his equally empty room.

His room was about the same size as mine, but it wasn't painted white like everything else in the house seemed to be. Instead, dark blue wallpaper covered the room, with a simple, old fashioned pattern. I liked it, but he didn't seem to.

"Don't worry Kaleb, I'm sure-"

"Don't tell me not to worry Zaria, because I'm not listening." He plugged his ears with his fingers and I sighed, leaving his room and heading back outside.

Sab and Anna were getting their bags as Mom and Dad came walking up the stairs. Mom's long blonde hair kept falling in front of her face. She blew it out of the way as I pushed the door open wider for her. "Thanks sweetie," and then she was gone. Dad grunted as his thanks, since he had the most bags again.

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