Part Six

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KananJedi posted a post.

Hello. I am a Jedi and I think I'll leave Facebook because of Luke.

CoolestJediintheGalaxy: I'm sorry! I was drunk and posted a wrong picture.

Admin: I should delete you....

AhsokaGirlPadawan: Please do.

CoolestJediintheGalaxy: Mom? 

Vader's Wife: Not backing you up, Luke. If you have not seen my comments, go look. I was disappointed in you as well.

KananJedi: You scarred my Padawan! Ezra, PLEASE get off here!

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: No. Kick Luke off, and we'll be alright.

Admin: All in favor, say ''I''.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: I.

KananJedi: I.

Vader's Wife: I.

ChewietheWookie: I.

AhsokaGirlPadawan: I.

BestPilotintheGalaxy: I. Sorry, Luke. Friends?

CoolestJediintheGalaxy: Hater! No, no, no!

JediRule: I.

Obi-Wan: I.

PurpleLightsaberRules: I.

AwesomeGirlAuthor: I.

Admin: Any objections?

RebelLeader: Nay! I OBJECT!

Admin: Sorry, Mon, but it's 10 to 1, so the objection is overruled. Luke, you may post and comment one more time. Then you're done. Understand?

CoolestJediintheGalaxy: Yes, admin. :( Does this count?

Admin: No, but it does after this.

RebelLeader: I tried, Luke.

CoolestJediintheGalaxy: I understand. Thanks for trying, though.

RebelLeader: Of course.

CoolestJediintheGalaxy posted a post.

I have to go now, but I will no longer be hated. I will talk to you all again very soon.

CoolestJediintheGalaxy has been deleted.


KananJedi: I'll miss him, but he had to go.

Admin: Agreed.

Jedi_Jedi joined Facebook


KananJedi: Who is this and why with the confusing username?

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Who knows?

Admin: I will figure out who it is.

ChewietheWookie: So...what now?

BestPilotintheGalaxy: I know who it is. 

Jedi_Jedi: PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE! I'll stay off of Facebook when I'm drunk! ADMIN! GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!!!!

Admin: Geez, man, that was my plan. Calm down.

Jedi_Jedi: Thank you!!!!!


KananJedi posted a message

I am a Jedi Knight! YES!!

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Since when?

KananJedi: Our visit to the Jedi Temple with Ahsoka. I met a Temple guard who made me a Knight of the Jedi Order. The most surprising of this was that it was the Grand Inquisitor.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: The ugly guy we battled in season one?

KananJedi: Yeah. He helped us escape as well, though I wonder if the new Inquisitors can track us.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Well, we keep running into them, so maybe they can. Remember when we jumped off the cliff?

KananJedi: Yeah. I still think that was insane, Ezra.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Hey, can't we talk about a new base on here? None of the Empire is on Facebook anymore.

KananJedi: No, I think our plans need to stay quiet.

RebelLeader: Good idea, Kanan.

KananJedi: Chopper's friend is weird.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: You think?

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