Part Twelve

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Little Green Master has joined Facebook


Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Master Yoda! Master Yoda! I can't believe you're on here!

Little Green Master: On here, I am. Where here is, the question is.

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Facebook!

Little Green Master: Get off of here, I must. Bad for everyone, this site is.

BestPilotintheGalaxy: Why you kriffing nerf herder! I ought to ***** ****** *** *******!

Vader's Wife: Luke! oh wait, you're Han. Never mind.

Little Green Master: ******** **** ********************************* to ****** *** you rapscallion little *****!

Blue_Eyed_Padawan: There. Are. Kids. On. Here. Keep it PG! Actually, this teaches me some things. Go on, although I'm in big trouble for learning these. Oh well.

Jedi_Jedi: *face palm*

ShadowCaster posted a selfie 


Blue_Eyed_Padawan: Ooh! It's Sabine and Ketsu!

PurpleLightsaberRules: Who now?

ChewietheWookie: Mandos.

Obi-Wan: What is wrong with Mandos? They aren't that bad!

BestPilotintheGalaxy: You'd be surprised. I'm the one who got FROZEN IN CARBONITE by one! And they're not that bad. Humph!

ShadowCaster: I didn't do it. Geez! Save your rants for Chewbacca!

ChewietheWookie: Hey! I don't want to hear his rant!

BestPilotintheGalaxy: :(

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