Chapter Four

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Your POV

Alastair thought it would be a good idea to hold a party in honor of our parents. They were quite popular. After all they did run the l/n Company. We had scientists, polices forces, etc. I was hoping some would come.

Since it was a party to honor my parents I decided to wear black. After all they were dead. You wear black for the dead right? It's a kind of sad color.... I guess.

The party was to start soon. I made sure to clean up the house. We had ordered in food. I made sure to order fancy tuna. I heard Haruhi loved fancy tuna. So, of course, I had to get it. The orchestra began playing music as the doors opened. Soon people began pilling in.

The host club found their way to me. "Hi guys." I said.

"Hi f/n-chan!" Honey said and hopped up into my arm giving me a big bear hug. I hugged him back.

"I made sure to get you your own table full of cakes." I whispered in his ear. A giant smile grew on his face. I pointed over to a corner.

"Come on Takashi!" Honey shouted and dragged his tall friend along. Honey came back a few minutes later.

"My cake is all gone." He said sadly. How does he eat so much cake!?

"Well. I'm sorry. You'll just have to wait." I said and poked his nose.

"l/n." I heard someone said. A man stood and saluted me.

"Greg?" I asked.

"Hey kid." He said and opened his arms. I ran and hugged him tightly. "Sorry about your parents." He said.

"It's fine. B/n is pretty messed up though." I said. I looked down at his prosthetic leg. "How's it been walking?" I asked.

"It's been better. I'm getting used to it now." Greg said smiling. Greg had lost his leg when a bomb had blown up near him.

"That's great." I said smiling.

"Who're your friends?" He asked.

"Greg, this is Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, Honey, and Haruhi. Guys, this is Greg." I said. "Oh! Why didn't you tell me I went psycho and murdered people?" I asked Greg nudging him.

"Your father thought it best you forgot...." Greg said. "So you remembered." He said. I nodded. "Why did you kill them?" He asked.

"They tried to hurt me...." I trailed off.

"I'm sorry kid." He said. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Haruhi.

"Fancy tuna?" I asked her.

"You have fancy tuna here?" She asked. I nodded. A giant smile grew on her face and I grabbed her wrist as I pulled her along to the fancy tuna. We grabbed a giant plate of it and sat down together. She began stuffing her face.

"I cant eat anymore." She said pushing the plate away. I let out a laugh.

"You already ate it all." I said. She looked at the plate wide eyed.

"I-I did?" She asked shocked. I nodded laughing. "Oh...."

"Want to dance?" I asked her. She was wearing a suit... Probably because people from school might be here. Tamaki was so protective of his 'little girl'.

We stood up and made our way to the dance floor. I grabbed her hand in mine as my hand rested on her shoulder, her other hand rested on my waist. I felt my heart rate increase as we danced together. She looked so cute tonight. I really wanted to tell her.

"You looked nice." She said smiling. Of course she beat me to it. =.=

"You do too." I said smiling back.

We ended our dance and we exited to the balcony.

A/N: I'm stopping this one short because I have to sleep now. See y'all next time! Night! ~Faith ♥

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