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Copyright 2013 Property of Amber B. (StarburstBuscus)

It's Wednesday! For me at least! Here's the next chapter! Cheers!


I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Derek. I tried to wake him, but he didn’t move a muscle. I shrugged, he was probably just tired after all that...exercise last night. I moved to get out of bed, and flinched when I realized just how sore I was. I walked - more like waddled – to the bathroom, and turned the shower on. While I waiting for it to heat up, I brushed through my knotted, sex hair, and brushed my teeth. I ran my tongue over my top front teeth, and was satisfied with the results. I stepped into the shower and let the water wash away all evidence of last night’s activities. I gasped when I looked down at my hips, Derek’s hands left bruises. I frowned, but continued with my shower.

I let out a scream when hands grabbed my hips right where the bruises were. Pain shot through my body, and made tear prick at my eyes. Derek let go immediately, and turned me around to face him. He had a frown on his face that only deepened as he saw the bruises. When he looked back up at me he had tears in his eyes.

What did I ever do to deserve him? He’s so...Derek.

“I am so sorry, Scar.” He whispered, as he went to pull me into a hug. I tried to put my arms around his neck, but my body wouldn’t let me stretch out like that. Instead, I opted for just cuddling into his chest.

It was like I could feel his frown deepen even more. “I didn’t realize that I was that hard on you last night. I’m sorry.”

I smiled and placed a kiss on his chest before pulling away. “Don’t be sorry, Derek.” If anything  I should be sorry, but I didn’t say that. “Last night was...amazing. This,” I gestured towards my body, “will go away with time.” He smiled then kissed my forehead.


As we got out of the shower, Derek’s cell phone started ringing in the bedroom. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist as he walked to get it. A frown took over my face as I wrapped my hair up in a towel, and another around my body. I walked out of the bathroom, and found Derek pulling on clothes as he talked to the person on the other end of the phone, which he placed on the dresser. Obviously on speaker. I looked at the clock on the wall only slightly shocked with the time, one in the afternoon. We went to bed late, which in turn made us wake up later. I wasn’t really concerned with Ryan, knowing that he would be up and probably playing with some toys in his room. Maybe Toby went to check on him, since we weren’t up yet.

I made my way to the closet and chose some white skinny jeans that had a single black sequined stripe down the outsides of both my legs. I paired it with a white Minnie Mouse tank top, and grabbed my red flats that had Minnie’s bow on them. What can I say? I’m a bit of a Disney nerd.

I made my way around Derek who was still on the phone, but was no longer on speaker. I opened up my jewelry box, and took out my wedding and engagement rings that went together. The engagement ring had the bottom half of a heart so it ended up a triangle diamond. When the wedding came around, and we exchanged rings, I had no idea what mine looked like. I also didn’t have my engagement ring on, so I was highly confused when the diamond looked like a weird sideways ‘B’. When we were walking down the aisle after the ceremony was over, he had explained that when paired with the engagement ring, they made a heart.

I heard Derek say goodbye, and walk over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He placed his chin on top of my head. “Trying to find some jewelry, are we?”

I nodded. “I’m going to take Ryan out today.”

He took his arms from around my waist, and grabbed the diamond infinity necklace he had given me for our one year anniversary. Once he put that on me, he grabbed the ½ karat diamond studs he had bought me on our honeymoon, holding them out for me to put on. “Can I brush your hair?” He asked as I was putting the earrings in. I smiled, looking in the mirror at him. He loved brushing me hair, said it was something he could do for me but I couldn’t do back to him. It was extremely intimate. I nodded, and he grabbed the brush with one and mine with the other. He pulled me down on the bed to sit in between his legs, and began brushing my hair.

When he was done brushing my hair, I got up, and waited until he was up as well to deliver a hot attack on his lips. We kissed until we were out of breath and panting. He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. “I have to go to work in the morning.” He mumbled, tickling my neck.

I giggled and he pulled back looking at me strangely. “That tickled.” I felt a light blush cover my cheeks.

“Come on, let’s go get Ryan and go out then.” He said, taking my hand, and intertwining our fingers. 

Yay! Updated! Fianlly! Well, feels like finally for me! Wattpad hasn't been letting me update! I was going to yesterday, but couldn't! Dx 

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