Not a new chapter. Sorry.

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Hey, guys. It's been a while. Like 8-9 months. I'm terribly sorry about that. I'm just habing the hardest time writing. Writing anything, really. I just can't seem to do it. I'll have these urges to write. And I'll sit down. Write a few sentences, then... I just can't write anymore. 

Honestly, I would've forced myself to write just a year ago. Just to give you something, even if I knew it would be shitty. But I can't do that anymore. It's not fair to you nor to me. Writing something shitty and being okay with posting it is not okay. It doesn't help me, and it looks like I'm a bad wiriter. Excuse me, worse than I am. Because I'm not good, and I know it. 

Anyways, that's why you haven't gotten a new chapter in so long. 

Have a great day,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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