A Tale Of Gordon Ramsay Volume 1.

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Hello my name is Gordon Ramsay i'm a young child age 9 and i like cooking, it's my passion. My parents sent me to boarding school because i yell about simple things like when the dinner table isn't clean or when the food isn't perfect. My favorite spice is cilantro i add it to everything, even my apple sauce. At boarding school i take lessons on how to cook the best gourmet meals. my favorite is a crisp apple pie filled with freshly sliced apples. chef martha tells me that one day i can be a professional and make apple pies for money and cilantro. I hope that i can teach people how to grow cilantro and harvest it to a perfect spice. Sometimes when i go into my classes i day dream of cooking and running through beautiful prairies, throwing cilantro at people who have never tasted its beautiful burst of flavor. When i go back to my dorm i grab the bunch of cilantro stuffed in my suitcase. Chef Martha is very kind, she lets me bring a new fresh bunch of cilantro to my dorm daily. I take the cilantro out of my suitcase and put it into my blender, also from Chef Martha. I make cilantro smoothies everyday and sell them to the kids. They don't have good taste like me, so they usually spit it out and the janitor has to clean it. He knows that it's my smoothie and likes it so i sell it to him to keep him quiet about my cilantro smoothie selling business. I decorate my room with posters of famous chefs. Julia Child and Guy Fieri are plastered on my wall, their faces shining with quotes surrounding them. I go to do my homework and end up just imagining apple pies when I fall asleep.

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