A Tale Of Gordon Ramsay Volume 2.

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I wake up early and get ready for the day. Today I have my gourmet cooking class so it's going to be a great day. I walk to the kitchen and find Chef Martha. She starts telling me about how the school had found out about her lending the blender and cilantro to me for a business. A single tear falls from her face when she says that she has to take back everything she gave me, including the cilantro. I begin to weep like my life was over. How would I survive boarding school without the love of my life? The only thing that keeps me sane! I begin to scream at the top of my lungs. Chef Martha walks out of the room crying silently at my sorrow. Principal Ken hears the commotion and runs to the kitchen. Ken is short with long wavy blond hair. His teeth are shiny and a pure white, his voice is strong but caring. He seems to be around fifty years old so everyone thinks his perfect, beautiful hair is a toupee. Principal Ken tells me to calm down. He didn't want to have to take away the blender and cilantro but it was the school's rules. If he didn't he would be fired and have to work as a carpenter. He hated carpentry with pure passion. His dad, Ken Sr was a carpenter and would tell Ken when Ken Junior was a boy that if he didn't grow up to be a carpenter he would be very sad. Ken Junior had no skills in carpentry unlike his father so he decided he would rather have his father be sad than ashamed. Principal Ken shed a tear thinking about his like choices and told me something that made me extremely happy, he was going to give me an exception. He would risk his job to let me keep my blender and cilantro because I was truly skilled, unlike him in carpentry. I thanked him and began to cook with Chef Martha both of us purely joyful.

A Tale Of Gordan RamsayWhere stories live. Discover now