Chapter One •

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Ryan up top ^^ Do ya like her?

2017 edit: new Ryan, say hello.

*Eyyyy, authors note from a year later: I'm editing 'cause I kinda did pay attention in school! God, I was so energetic a year ago. Also, I'm a big girl now, and I know big girl words. Woah.
Also editors chapters have a dot next to them ;).


'PJust a little more shading here annnnnd done!' I happily thought to myself after I finished my anime drawing of Eren and Levi from Attack on Titans. (I love this anime how 'bout you?) Inspecting my paper, I found it didn't look terrible. I decided to pin it to the wall, along with some of my band posters like BMTH, BVB, and ATL.

"Ryan, dinner!" My little brother, Max called. I then sluggishly got up and went to eat dinner. As it turns out, Max can cook better than his older sister. Who am I kidding, a toddler could cook better than me.

Using my hand to signal that I was going upstairs I left. Taking a shower, brushing my teeth and changing into a over sized BMTH band sweater, I went to sleep.

--Next day, no dreams for you--

"I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side Swinging in the rain, humming melod--" Ya know, don't get me wrong because I love He Is We, but a joyous song is not what you want to hear in the morning. After staring at the ceiling for what could have been anywhere from two seconds to twenty minutes, I roll out of bed. Army crawling to the bathroom, I took a shower and did what I hope is usual in a bathroom. Honestly, I don't go around asking people what their bathroom routines consist of.

Dragging myself to the closet and deciding today is not the say to go into school naked, I get dressed in a Minions sweater and ripped skinny jeans.

Looking at my calendar I realize that I have a fight tonight, so I stuffed my outfit for that in my backpack.

Now would probably be a good time to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Ryan Peter. I'm 17 and have black hair with green eyes and pale skin. I act mute for reasons I wouldn't like to discuss right now. Also I'm a fighter. Street fighter.

Waking up from my reverie, I stuff my feet in some black boots and walk downstairs. Leaving the house with my skateboard in hand and 15 year old Max trailing behind me we start the trek to school.

Once at school Max and I part ways, looking around I realize the sluts look extra slutty today. Thinking of a reason as to why they dressed up I realize that its Black's Birthday. Eh, who cares? Walking to my locker I stuff everything in it and shut it, leaving.

I haven't memorized my timetable yet so I look at it.

Jackson High Schedule Name: Ryan Peter

Maths- 8:00 - 8:40

French- 8:45 - 9:25

Earth Science: 9:30 - 10:10

Gym: 10:15 - 10:45

Swim: 10:50 - 11:30

Social Studies: 11:35 - 12:15

Lunch: 12:20 - 1:00

English: 1:05 - 1:45

End of School

'Yippee, school' I sarcastically think. Trudging to first class I begin Hell, oops school.

End Of School

I was lucky I didn't see Black anywhere today. After grabbing my skateboard I ride it to the gate and wait for Max. Upon seeing him, we took off. Looking around the neighborhood, I realize how antisocial I am. We moved here during the summer and I haven't even went out to introduce myself. Yay.

At home I take off upstairs and begin homework.

"Ryan come take out Bella" Bella is our dog, she's a Siberian Husky mix with three legs. Rescue. I take her out and start going inside when I spot some neighbors, more specifically Black and his crew. Oh. Crap.

"Hi" Someone yells out I don't know who it was, but my dog answered by barking at him. With that I take off into the house. (Lol this actually happened to me, we moved in during the summer and I don't really go outside except for taking my dog out. So some guys yelled hi to me and my dog answered, while I rushed in. I'm antisocial)

I quickly lock the door and run to the window but I don't see them anywhere. I just shake it off. I walk up to my mum and point at my skateboard and the door, meaning I'm going to go skateboarding. She just nods her head and I take off.

Half an hour into skating, I decide to head back. Going past a mansion I see some boys playing football. Looking closer I realize its Black and his Crew. I rush past them and make it home. After showering and changing I finish my homework and settle in for the night.


Hey my minions that's all for today. Do ya like it? Black is actually Lewis, but Ryan calls him by his last name. I don't really care if you vote or follow me but if ya could I do enjoy comments. I'll try and update every day, I don't know if I'll be able to though... So don't expect every day updates. Please excuse any mistakes. Well Bye I guess.


Quote of the Day:

"Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick"

-Gwyneth Paltrow

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