Chapter 7

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Lydia thanked the powers-that-be that it was the weekend as the sunlight pouring through her window awoke her to Derek's arms. Smiling pleasedly, she nestled closer to him, seeing his lips curl upward in a grin of his own. She watched him with her green eyes as he gradually woke up, blinking in the bright sunlight.

"Good morning, Handsome," she whispered, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He squeezed her tightly to him as she tried to move away, holding her against him so she couldn't fight him. She giggled as he kissed her, running a hand into her red hair. When he finally released her, he smiled. "Good morning, Beautiful."

She felt as if she would never stop smiling as she sat back, shifting her weight so she could sit up in the bed, her hand running over his chiseled chest. Remembering they couldn't stay this way forever brought a shadow over her face that Derek noticed immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"You have to leave, and I'm going to miss you," she admitted, offering him a sad smile. His hand rested on her knee and he sighed.

"I don't have to. I can just tell Eve to go screw herself and find someone else to do her dirty work-"

Lydia shook her head, "No, no. She's right to trust you."

She caressed the side of his face and smiled at him, the sunlight illuminating her strawberry blond hair in a glowing halo around her round face. "Besides, Stiles already offered to babysit the baby after it's born, so I think I'll be in good hands." She giggled as Derek frowned playfully.

"Stiles is not touching my child," he joked as she giggled, "He'd probably end up destroying your whole house in the process of trying to change a diaper."

Lydia nodded and laughed, her arm naturally going around his shoulders as he sat up in the bed, resting her chin on the top of his head. His hand rested on her belly and the baby instantly shifted as if it sensed its father. Derek smiled to himself.

"I promise I won't be gone any longer than necessary," he whispered, drawing circles on her belly with his index finger. "I'm not going to miss any more of this than I already have."

Lydia brushed down his black hair with her hand and smiled to herself happily. "I want to help."

Derek instantly shook his head and sat up so he was looking at her. "I don't want you getting in the middle of any of this. I... wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you, or to our baby."

Gently, she rested a hand on the side of his face and he closed his eyes, leaning in to her touch. "I know. I don't intend to throw myself right into the middle of the battlefield or something. I just want to help however I can. We're a team, we're stronger when we work together. And I can't sit around here imagining up horrible things that may have happened to you."

He smiled reassuringly and kissed her lightly on her full lips. "I promise to include you if it comes down to that, but you have to promise me that you'll keep yourself safe."

She nodded earnestly, her eyes bright and teeming with emotion. "I love you, and I promise."

"I love you too," he replied with another tender kiss on her lips.


Leaping out of her window and to the ground was as easy as swinging on a swing for him. The hard part was actually leaving her. Turning back to look at her when he reached the treeline, he felt his heart tearing out of his chest as he watched her blow him a kiss and subconsciously cradle her pregnant belly. He was a father. Lydia was his mate. She loved him, and he loved her. His life was essentially perfect.

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