Worst fear(s)

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The sight in the tavern caused Emma to gasped. It was the 2nd thing her parents told her to stay away from: Regina.

In the flesh standing there in front of a woman. The whole entire tavern was quiet. Even the fearsome Captain Hook couldn't say a word. Everyone feared Regina. Regina was wearing a poofy black and purple dress with her hair up in a sort-of messy bun.

"Where is my potion?" Regina asked. "I....I...don't have it your majesty," the woman said nervously. "And why not?" Regina asked. "I need more time," the woman said. "I have give you plenty time and now your time is up," Regina said sticking her hand into the woman's chest.

She pulled out her heart as the woman let out a scream echoing throughout the tavern. Regina crushed her heart as she fell to the ground. Emma turned away as not to see the scene happening.

"Why are you all looking at?" Regina asked and everyone went back to drinking and talking. Regina started walking towards the door where Emma and Hook were standing. Emma pulled her hood on and stood behind Hook's crew so Regina wouldn't notice her.

Regina stopped in front of Hook and a smiled crept across her face. "Captain Hook," she smirked and everyone again turned and looked at Regina and the infamous Captain Hook.

"Regina," Hook said. "Actually it's the Evil Queen now," she said. "What a practical name," he said. "Hopefully I'll see you around, Captain," Regina said as she headed out the door.

Emma sighed in relief and pulled her hood off. That would have been a mess if Regina had spotted her. "Enjoy the night men, we have a busy day tomorrow," Hook said as his crew made their way to the drinks.

Emma stepped closer to Hook. "How do you know her?" Emma asked. "Let's grab a drink," Hook said walking over to sit down. Emma followed him.

"How do you know her?" Emma asked again. "It was a long time ago, love that's all you need to know," he said. "What is taut supposed to mean?" she asked. "Let's just say I used to work for her," he said taking a sip of his drink.

"Tell me about you, Swan," he said. "There's not much to me," she said. "That's not true," he said. "Well, I left a bad situation and came her to escape it, and to escape my parents," she said. "You're a brave lass. Aye, I understand the parents thing. My mother died when I was young and my father abandoned me aboard a ship," Hook said.

And that was the first time Emma had ever seem a pirate look vulnerable, but also the first time she had ever seen a pirate. She felt a connection to him, like she had known him her entire life. She felt like she had been through the same circumstances as he had though she had never been abandoned though at times she did feel like it.

"How'd you get the hook," Emma asked this time. "It happened many many years ago when a man took the woman I love and my hand," he said. "Who was the man?" she asked. "Rumpelstiltskin," he said. Emma's mouth dropped. "The King?" Emma asked. "Aye, he took everything from me," he said. "But he is a king why would he want to hurt you?" Emma asked. "He wasn't always. He used to be nothing had a son with a woman named Meliah. Rumple wasn't much of a husband so Meliah found me and we fell in love. Rumple then become a Dark One and killed his former lover and took me hand," Hook said sadly.

Emma reached out of touched his arm lightly. She had no idea why, he was a pirate, heartless, uncaring, but he seemed different around her. "Rumple then took his son and love in love with the Princess Belle therefore taking over as King after Belle's father died. I've been trying to seek revenge on the crocodile ever since," Hook said taking another sip of his drink. "I'm sorry he killed your love," Emma said. "What do you understand about love? Have you even ever been in love?" Hook asked.

"Well, there is this guy that I do love, but he is my best friend," Emma said. "Ahh complicated situation," Hook said. "Very much," she responded.  "That's about how it is with me and the crocodile," Hook said. "But he must have changed since then, right?" Emma asked trying to defend her best friend's dad. "I man like that can only change for the worst," he said. "And what about his son have you ever met him?" she asked. "No, but I pity that lad to have a father like that," Hook said.

"Where have you sailed too?" Emma asked. "Why just about everywhere. I've seen things you'd never believe and I've been placed that I can't even pronounce," he said. "I wish I could go sailing," Emma said. "Why don't we, love? You can come back to me ship with me for a nightcap and we can go wherever you want," he said.

"I will not go back with you for a nightcap!" Emma said standing up for herself. "Why not lass?" he asked smirking. "Because I just met you!" Emma said as she stood up. "And where do you think you are going?" he asked standing up as well. "Back where I came from," Hook asked. "Far away from here!" she said storming out of the tavern Hook following close behind.

How could she be so stupid?! She had started to fall for all things a pirate! She had a loving best friend at home who just proposed to her and now she was here with a stupid pirate asking her to go back to his ship with him.

"Swan wait!" Hook called out to her. She made her way to the stables and to her horse. "Wait!" he said hooking her arm. "What?" she said coldly. "Just stay, please," Hook begged. "No! I should have known! You know you had me for a second that maybe just maybe you were different and then you go and blow it! I should have said no to even going in there with you!"
she said. "And why did you?" he asked. "Well.....I did to save that man's life," she said. Hook chuckled. "You could have had a drink and then left, but you stayed, you stayed," he said.

He was right she could have said one drink that's all and then she could have left and gone her own way, but she stayed and talked with him.

"I think it's because you wanted to stay, you wanted to get to know me, you are attracted to me," Hook said getting closer to Emma's face. "I certainly did not," she said. "You wanted to talk to me and stay with me," he said coming closer. "Not at all," she said. He laughed.

He stood inched from her. Emma couldn't stop herself anymore. She had this urge to kiss him. She was unexplainably attracted to him. She grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket and pulled him into a kiss.

The kiss lit both of them on fire. When their lips touched, it was like there was a fire that spread throughout their whole entire body. The was a spark in them.

Emma pulled away, leaving them both breathless. "That was....." Hook said breathing hard. "A one time thing," Emma said getting into her horse. "Will I ever see you again?" Hook asked. "Maybe," Emma said as she kicked Buttercup and sped off into the distance.

Hook stood there touching his lips lightly. That was the best kiss he had ever had. There was something different about this one unlike the countless others he had kissed. When he kissed her, he knew he just knew that she was the one. He knew that he was in trouble with this one.

As Emma headed back to the castle as the sun began to rise, all she could think about was the pirate. That was her first kiss. Ever. She had faced two fears in less than 5 minutes. She had her very first kiss and she was with a pirate. There was something different about the kiss, something there that gave her hope. The kiss revealed her true feelings for the pirate and she was falling, falling hard for the pirate. But could a princess and a pirate really be together?

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