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"Just throw her into a cell," Regina said to her black Knights as Regina had poofed them back to her castle.

They were in the dungeon of the Evil Queen's castle on the other edge of the Enchanted Forest. In the darkest part of the forest is where it stood.

Emma was thrown into a prison cell still knocked out as the guards and Regina left the dungeon leaving Emma in the silence.

Emma finally awoke with a start to find herself locked away in a cellar still in her ball gown. "Where am I?" she asked out loud to no one, but herself. She didn't except an answer, but that is exactly what she got.

"The Evil Queen's dungeon," a male's voice called out. Emma was shocked to hear a reply and looked around for the source of the voice. "Who goes there?" Emma called out. And out of the shadows of the cell next to Emma came walking a fairly tall man.

He rested his arms on the bars in between the cells. He had brown facial hair like Hook and blue eyes. He was pretty handsome as well.

"Who are you?" Emma asked standing up. "The names August," the man said. "Who are you?" "I'm Emma Swan," Emma said. He laughed showing his teeth. "You're a Princess," he said. "No I am not!" Emma said trying to lie. "You're wearing a nice dress, you came from a ball," he said.

Emma looked down realizing she was still in her red ball gown dress. She couldn't lie anymore, he would know. "Yes, I am a princess," she said. "What's your name princess?" he asked. "My name is Emma," she said.

August stood up straight from hanging over the bars. He looked at Emma like he had just seen a ghost.

"You're Princess Emma?" he questioned. "Yes," she said. "You're quite popular in this castle," he said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Regina has a liking to make harm come your way. She throws people in here for even looking at you. She has been wanting you in here for quite some time," he said. "Is that why you're in here?" Emma asked.

"Me? No, I've never seen you before now. But your name proceeds you. No, I'm in her because let's just say I am keen to lying and I lied to the queen one day and ended up in this lovely cell," he said. "This place is so empty," Emma said. "Execution. You would not believe how many people I've seen stand in the very cell you are in now and they all end the same way," he said.Emma gulped. Was Regina going to kill her?

"Why are you still alive?" Emma asked. "I am a valuable asset to Regina and if you help her get what she wants, then she keeps you around much like that Rumpelstiltskin," August said. Emma's mouth dropped. "Rumple was captured by Regina?" Emma asked. August chuckled. "More like leads Regina. He helps Regina make all her moves and tells her what to do and how to go about doing it," August said.

Emma had to take a moment to take it all in. Rumple was leading Regina, but leading Regina to do what? Why would Rumple turn against his friends? His family?

"What is he leading her to do?" Emma asked. "People have said different things about what they are planning. Some say they are just trying to start their own Kingdom. Others say they are trying to put everyone into a sleeping curse. But the one that is most convincing is one that not many believe. One that people say can't be done, but oh can it. It's a curse, a curse to send everyone to a new land where happy endings cannot be found a land where Regina and Rumple rule supreme," August said.

Emma's head was racing. Why would Rumple want to give up everything he has here? What is this new land? Where is this new land? Why get rid of the happy endings?

"She brought you here because you are a danger to their plan," August said. "A danger?" Emma asked. "You can stop the curse and break it after it is enacted," August said. "Me?" Emma questioned. "You are what they call a 'savior'. You are the only person who can break the curse. How? I have no idea, but you are a threat and threats are not welcomed here," August said. "So she is going to kill me," Emma said. "Regina can't kill you," August said.

"She is an Evil Queen, she can if she wants to," Emma said. "You're parents must not have told you anything," August said. "They have told me lots of things," Emma said standing up for herself.

"Regina can't kill you because you have a protection spell over you," August said. "A protection spell?" she asked. "Yes, a protection spell against Regina. She can't touch you or kill you. It was a spell castes when you were born, your parents knew Regina was a threat so they got the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms, Merlin, to cast a protection spell over you," August said. "She can't kill me?" she asked. "No, but Rumple can," he said. "But Rumple is my friend and a King, why would he want to kill me and go to another land?" she asked.

"Rumple is the Dark One. The purest evil out there. Regina uses evil magic. She casts the curse to send Rumple and everyone else to a land without magic so Rumple can't have magic and be able to reconnect with his son," he said. "Neal," she said. "Yes, Neal. Neal never liked and lost the friendship and the love between him and his father after he became the dark one. Rumple wants to go to this new land to prove to his son that they can be together without magic," August said.

Neal never told Emma that his father had magic or that he wan't that close to his father and didn't like the fact that he did have magic. What else has Neal and everyone she thought she knew been keeping from her?

"How do you know so much?" Emma asked. "Me? I am a writer. It's what I do, record what I hear and I hear a lot down here," he said. "How can I trust you?" she asked. "Oh you can't, but it's the truth," he said.

"Is Rumple going to kill me?" she asked. "Well you're a princess, so you must know Prince Neal correct?" he asked. "Yes," she said sadly. "And based on your tone I assume you are very close," he said. "Yeah, he actually proposed to me," she said. "Well there's your answer. If he kills you, then he will just break his trust with his son even more because he loves you," he said.

"Why is there chattering down here?" Regina's voice floated into the dungeon. She came into view and swooshed her dressed in front of her.

"Welcome to my castle Emma, what do you think?" Regina asked. "It's......very......big," Emma said. "Yes, it is rather large," Regina said with a smile.

"Oh look the puppet has come out of the shadows," Regina said. "I had to see that savior before she defeated you," August said. Regina smile disappeared. "Shut up you wooden man child," Regina said.

Regina waved her hand and August turned into wood. She laughed in delight at her handy work. Regina turned her attention back to Emma.

"These cells are so gloomy.....I love it," Regina said. "You are a monster," Emma said. "Not a monster, but a Queen," Regina said. Regina stepped closer to the cell. "Don't get quite comfortable in that cell, we'll be moving soon," Regina said. "Where?" Emma asked.

"How does a place called Storybrooke sound?"

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