Chapter 4!!

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I'm baaaacck. In the words of Ronnie Radke. Haha ok well I guess I'll get on with the story.

Katie's P.O.V.

"Oh shit, we have 5 1/2 hours to get ready Katie. Come on" she exclaimed while dragging me upstairs. Fun! The thing about Chloe I love her to death but when it comes to things like this, A.K.A. getting ready for a concert, she takes forever to choose me on the other hand always just get something together and do something special with my hair and makeup.

"KATIE!" She screamed in my ear. Fuck she was loud.

"OWW what the actual fuck was that for!?" I ask wondering why in the hell she screamed in my ear. Then I realized we were in our room we shared.

"You've been like zoned out for like 5 minutes! Come on get ready!" Holy shit I did oops. Oh well.

"Ok ok ok" I say walking into my closet to look for an outfit. I found the perfect outfit and I know exactly what to wear with it. My ripped up BOTDF shirt and some black ripped skinnies with some knee high converse. I take my stuff to the hall bathroom and take a shower. I get out feeling clean. Don't you just love that feeling though, it might just be me. I put on my outfit and walk back into my room

When I walk in there I see Chloe standing in the middle of the room confused about something.

"Katie! I thought you left me here!" Sh exclaimed hugging me. I awkwardly stand there then wrap my arms around her. What she gives good hug, plus shes my sister I can hug damn sister.

"Chloe I just went into the hall bathroom to take a shower. The concert doesn't start for 5 hours. What would I do there 5 hours early?" I tell her.

"I don't know" and with that I walked over to my desk and sit down. Ok where do I start I know hair. I plug my curling iron in and brush my hair through. When I hear it beep I know it's hot. I curled my hair for a while and finally when I'm done I stick a bow in it. Now onto makeup. I take my makeup off from school. I take my eyeliner and load it on and wing it out. I put a pencil liner on my water line and then Mascara. Gotta keep it simple for Jayy and Dahvie, mmmmmm Jayy. Now for my unity Stripes I take my war paint since I'm a Black Veil Brides fan too and do the stripes. I grad my Angelic blue contacts and put them in(I'm actually getting some of those they're the same ones Jayy and Dahvie wear :D) then I look at myself in the mirror. Eww, now I understand why I'm bullied. *sigh* I stand up and go see if Chloe is ready I walk in the bathroom and see her finishing up then I see the reflection of a gorgeous creature known as a razor blade. I try to keep my attention on the fact that were going to a BOTDF concert and it helps.

She finishes and we walk out of our room.

"Love you Momma bear!" I yell "Love you Mom!"Chloe yells too.

"Love you too girls have fun... and don't get preggo while your there!"

With that we get in the car and burst out laughing.

Sorry guys I cut this chapter a bit short because Chloe kept saying are you done with the chapter hurry up! So yea

Love you my babies

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