Chapter 35

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Hey fuckers. I'm back. I'm flipping my shit all over again. I dunno why. Oh btw I LOVE COTTON CANDY. Damn it. 35 bitches. Chloe's writing this bad boy.

Chloe's (P.O.V)

They tied me up in a fucking chair & taped my mouth shut, wow real original you mother fuckers. A huge sensation of relief flowed through me when I saw Jayy run in with a gun. He hit whoever the hell was on top of Katie & gave her his shirt kissing her. So sweet, but I just wanted to yell NO FUCKING TIME FOR PDA GUYS.

Whatever, Jayy ran over to me and told me to run outside and don't stop until I get to Dahvie. I had no problem with that. So I ran as fast as my short, skinny legs could take me.

Dahvie's (P.O.V)

*Before Jayy runs inside*

The minute Jayy realized our girls were in fucking Vampires Everywhere's mansion, he grabbed the cops gun and sprinted inside.

"I'm sorry he took your gun officer, these girls are our life. Actually Fuck it, I'm not sorry. We're keeping the damn thing." I said laughing, not giving a fuck what the stupid overweight cop would say.

"Ahhhhh, you're personality in person is just like your songs Mr. Vanity." The cop said with a smirk.

I was about to flick him off when I see Chloe running and screaming with her clothes ripped to shreds. Holy shit my baby. At first I thought it was just her but then I see one of the band douches sprinting after her. I flipped my shit and started running towards her, she put her arms out and grabbed my neck. I briefly held her but then motioned her to the car. I think it was DJ who was running after her. He started running back to the house like a pussy. So I just lost it all and sprinted after him. This dick was about to die. Before I could get him, the rest of his crew were crowded next to him defending him.

"Dahvie fucking Vanity. Wow, how did a couple of queers like you and Jayy get two such beautiful ladies?" The main dick said.

Wait. Where were Jayy and Katie.

"Don't you even, look at you and your group of pussies." I said smugly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jayy and Katie running out the back. I needed to finish these guys.

I stepped closer to them, without hesitation I beat the shit out of each and every one of them. I walked out satisfied to my darling with blood on my hands.

I walked to the driveway where Chlo, the cop, Jayy and Katie were. The cop looked at me with raised eyebrows, referring to the blood on my hand.

"Self defense." I said stopping whatever the hell he was going to say.

Chloe ran to me and I just held her there, with her face in my chest. I lofted up her chin and kissed her.

"My beautiful angel, are you okay?" I asked her. Seriously worried.

"Not at all Dahv." She said whimpering.

I could obviously tell she was shook up. I picked her up and took her to the car. Jayy did the same with Katie. I sat in the back with Chloe, she layed her head in my lap and I played with her hair. Jayy was in the driver seat with his free hand clasped with Katie's. We said bye to the cop and I flicked him off for what he said earlier. We made it back to the bus and walked inside. I had to make sure my baby was alright I'm not losing her again. I'm sure as hell Jayy doesn't want to lose Katie again. These are our girls.

Dear all Vampires everywhere fans, were sorry they got the shit beaten out of them, but don't worry. They are amazing. But not as amazing as BOTDF. Alright. The two scemo girls love you. The scemo girls being Katie and I. You guys are amazing. <3

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