The Killer Avenge

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This dedicated to peakybooo for making the cover! You guys should totally check out her work its fabulouis!
The Killer's Avenge

  The fog settled over the troubled small town, drifted lazily through the streets of Morwood, past the empty playground, over the rolling hill, pass the empty church, and across the empty graveyard. And finally reached its destination... The woods, that had given the town its name. 

  It was said and proven that whoever ventured into the woods, never came out again. Alive anyway. And the few (the very few) who did come out were well... Let's just say Insane?

  Mor means dead in Latin, and that's exactly what happened to the people who went into the woods. A day after they disappear, their bodies are hung on the branches of the outer trees. Some have holes deep in the neck, and other have no sign of injuries at all. The small town had a right to be afraid of the woods, because someone or something has been picking the townspeople off, one by one

  There was no way to escape it. If a family moved from Morwood, one of the family members would be taken (while they were still on their way to the new home or already there) and brought back dead. Some people believed it was the work of cannibals while others believed it was a vampire. And yet still some people thought it was both. Now let's see all this from the view of the cannibal/vampire.


   A shadow glided quietly along the walls of the houses in Morwood. The shadow was following the shoe storekeeper. As he silently glided just a few feet away from him he chuckled quietly and murmured to himself. 

  "Ahh... another easy pick. I believe this is getting easier and easier,"  With that said, he crept up behind the shoe storekeeper, and before the storekeeper could even utter a single word, the shadow skillfully killed him with a swift bite to the neck. Quieter than a cat he slung the man over his shoulder and glided along with the fog, that always seemed to be in Morwood.  The shadow called himself Mor. He named himself after the town of  Morwood.

 You could say that Morwood was his namesake, although it was because of him that the town's name switched from Applegate to Morwood, but oh well who's asking. Mor was not a cannibal nor vampire. Mor was (should I say is...) a man with teeth sharpened by rocks, stealth that came from years of practice and a quench for revenge that is never quite satisfied.  

  Mor went to the heart of the woods, where a stream ran. He threw the man in and put large stones around him, to keep him from floating away. He then roasted a hare he had caught and opened up a bottle of root beer he had 'borrowed' from the town. 

After he finished his meal, he fished the guy out of the stream. Mor then went to the outer edge of the woods with the guy over his shoulder, he looked around to see if anyone was there, when there was nobody, he quickly and efficiently hung up the guy on one if the branches of the outer tree. Mor then went back and went to the north side of the woods, where thick clusters of trees grew and climbed up to one particular tree. As the sun began to rise, Mors was fast asleep.

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