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"Elizabeth! Be a dear and help Jenny get her Sunday clothes on!" Anna Crowley called to her daughter.

"Yes mum!" Elizabeth, or otherwise known as Betsy replied. Betsy hurried to the room where her sister was throwing a fit as the helping hand tried to get her ready.

"Miss. Jenny you mustn't throw things across the room!" Jane the helping hand scolded.

"I WANT DADDA!" Jenny screamed at the top of her lungs as Betsy hurried to calm her down.

"Sssh Jen, if you put your dress on I promise I shall get you peppermint from the the Big Store." Betsy soothed her little sister as she excused Jane smiling.

"The big kind?" Jenny asked sniffing.

"The biggest one I can find," Betsy promised as she cleaned her face with a wet washcloth. After she had helped her sister into her calico dress she hurried to get dressed.

   After all the Crowleys were new to Morwood and Mrs. Crowly had always told her that first impressions were most important.
  They had come to Morwood because it was traditional for the Crowley's to come to Morwood ever since the Duchess had come 20 years ago. Although she had passed away mysteriously some time ago, the family still came. 

Going to her closet she bit her lip as she debated over wearing the light pink dress that had cream coloured flowers or the light cyan with lace at the bottom.

Finally choosing the pink on and putting that on, Betsy put up her hair with some difficulty. As she was powdering her face her little brother William poked his head in her room.

"Mum said to hurry, we aren't going to get you wed," William informed her laughing.

"Oh hush!" Betsy scolded him a blushing. Quickly dabbing some perfume on her wrists and behind her ears, she followed William down the grand stairway to the dining room.

 Betsy still wasn't used to the big house. It seemed to quiet to their other house that was always bustling with people going in and out with gossip, news, food and what not.

"Ah look at you Elizabeth! Dear you look wonderful." Grandmarry praised her. Betsy ducked her head embarrassed.

"Should have stuck with the blue dress." She muttered to herself.

"Come now children we will late for mass!" Mrs. Crowly said briskly. There were 9 people in total in the Crowly household, excluding her father who was at the Jensons house investing the brutal death of Mr. Jenson.

 There was Louis the eldest, then Betsy, William, and Jennifer (Jenny). Along with that their grandmother, and mother. There was also the helping hand Jane and her mother that helped in the kitchen Mary. And the chauffeur who happened to be Jane's dad.

"LOUIS! Louis! Come on down, we must make haste in order to reach the mass in time!" Mrs. Crowley hollered up the stairs. Louis came galloping down grinning.

"How do I look?" He asked of no one in particular.

"Like Tom." Jenny replied referring to their snobby cousin.

"Oh Jen! Louis darling you look dashing now come!" Mrs. Crowley ushered her family to the cab waiting outside, "We're going to be late!"

"Mark, you can take the motor and your family can have today to yourself,"  Mrs. Crowley said to the chauffeur as he closed the doors.

"Thank you, ma'am." Backing away the chauffeur looked at the leaving car finally he went back inside muttering,

"This ain't a good idea coming to this cursed town."

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