Chapter 1

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"Come on Katsune! This one has some good looking fruit in it!" Aladdin said as jumped into one of the wagons. Katsune sat down next to him as he began to bite into the fruit. "Uwah! So good! Here Katsune, have some!" He handed her the fruit and she quickly inspected it before taking a bite into it.

It was pretty good!

She took a few more bites before handing it back to Aladdin. "Thanks." she smiled. Aladdin continued to eat more of the melons while Katsune would take some occasional bites.

Suddenly the curtain of the wagon opened and Katsune quickly grabbed onto Aladdin, causing him to turn around and look at the blonde. "Hi, I'm Aladdin and this is Katsune!" he said, pointing at said girl, "We're travelers! Right now, we're making a meal of this sweet red fruit, see?"

The blonde rushed over and grabbed Aladdin by the collar and picked him up, "Don't 'see' me. . ." He was suddenly kicked in the shin, making him drop Aladdin and yelp in pain. "Don't you dare hurt Aladdin!" Katsune said as she rushed over to Aladdin's side.

"Oi, is Alibaba around?" a voice shouted out.

The boy Katsune guessed was named Alibaba, rushed towards the curtains and stuck his head out. "I'm here, sir!" the boy said nervously.

Katsune and Aladdin continued to eat the red fruit as they boy left the wagon. The curtains opened again to reveal 3 men, one who was especially fat. "Alibaba! What's the meaning of this?!" the fat man shouted. "Well, you see sir. . ." Alibaba looked up to see Aladdin fondling the fat mans chest as Katsune just sat on the ledge of the wagon watching.

"How come you have boobs when you're a man? I just love boobs, you know!" Aladdin said, making the fat man more frustrated. "You idiot!" Alibaba grabbed Aladdin by the head and made him bow, making Katsune stand up immediately but she was held back by the other 2 men. "My deepest apologies, sir! It's just that these brats-" but before Alibaba could finish his sentence, the fat man began to kick him. "How dare you! I'll make you pay for this! There's no way you're getting out of this, you hear me?!"

Katsune stared at Alibaba in curiosity as she noticed his lack of reaction when being beaten. "Strange. . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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