First Encounter

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Jack- Only a couple days in stinky New York and you were already missing the long roaming fields of Texas. It was late one night and you couldn't seem to get any sleep. So you got up and roamed around at the dead of night. You kicked at the dirt floor as you shuffled your feet until you heard the sound of horse hooves. You were very familiar with the that sound. You looked up to see a young boy around your age sitting on a horse just like yours back in Texas. He wore a faded cowboy hat just like your daddy's.

"Excuse me ma'am. I didn't mean to frighten such a lovely figure such as yourself." He said, sliding off the horse giving it a hit and let it trot off.

"Was that your horse?" You ask raising an eyebrow.

"No, I was borrowing for a quick ride." He said. "Help me calm down."

"Do you ride often?" You quiz him.

"When I have time or its right. I love riding them." He replies.

"Me too. My name is (y/n)." You say and stick out your hand.

He grabs it and shakes it. "The name's Jack Kelly."

David- "Oh Sarah, besides being your best friend how could I ever repay you?" You gush at Sarah's offer to dine with her family tonight due to issues at home.

Sarah hung up the batch of clothes you just washed and said, "You're so funny, (y/n)." She rolled her eyes. "Finish this batch and you'll meet my family.

You'd met Sarah's mom and Dad but never her siblings. You knew she had two brothers. You were excited to finally meet both. You finished folding and delievered the laundry for today and follow Sarah to her quaint apartment.

As you followed her into the room you were immediantly greeted by ten year old Les, the cutest boy you'd ever seen. "Are you (y/n)?" He asks cheerily.

You nod and look around the room. You see Sarah's mom and dad both wave. Then a boy with dark brown curly hair walks kn the room. You two lock eyes. You can feel a spark. "(Y/n), this is my brother David." Sarah says.

Spot- The usual noisy crowd of teenage boys sromped their way to the table at the usual time. There was someone new this time. You walked over to the Newsies ready to take orders. "Hey! (Y/n)!" The usuals shouted.

"What can I get you guys?" I said cheerfully. The new guy was cute. Way cute. He wore a newscap and red suspenders with a patterned shirt. He had a pimp cane that was undoubtedly stolen. He looked at the world through a glare it seemed like. You had to impress him.

"Ol' Spot here finally decided to join us!" One said. Spot. They had talked about him. Their leader. The most feared and respected Newsie in all of New York.

"Your lucky too. I need I drink because I'm down with numbers with my little birds." He says to no one in particular.

"You know who would be the best? (Y/n)! She hears everything since this is the best bar in Brooklyn. And we csn trust her!" Another said. I can feel my face go red.

Spot gave a cold hard steel gaze at you, lingering eyes. Was he checking you out? "You trust her Grizz?" He asks to tthe tallest. Grizz (not a real character) nodded. "Alright Hummingbird I'll talk to you later about assignments.

Racetrack- You just got dressed after your shower due to the unwashable smell of horse that seemed to linger on your hair. You decided to take a walk around the old Sheep Sheadand take in the scenery. You were walking and looking up at the sky when slam!

You fell on top of a boy with a newscap on. "I'm so so sorry!" You say getting up brushing dirt off your pants. You offered a hand to help him up and he excepted.

"No worries darling, I should have been watching where's I was going." He said. You smile at the boy, he was quite handsome with his crooked smile beaming back at you. "What is a pretty goil like yourself doing at Sheep Shead?"

"I take care of the horses." You replied. He smiled that attractive smile again.

"You got any gambling tips?" He said. You thought for a minute.

"Remember the name Gold Rush, he's been doing well in practices." You whisper to him.

"Thanks darling." He says and tips his hat. "I never caught your name!"

"(Y/n)! Yours? "

"Call me Racetrack."

Mush- You had practiced tour kick line until you felt like you couldn't kick anymore. Your legs were sore and you had imprints from your fishnets. You changed into sensible clothing and head out through the theater when you noticed a shadow. "Hello?" You call out.

You see the shadow move and you race toward it to catch an immature kid but you grab the wrist of a very well built attractive one instead.

"Sorry I was just leaving " he said.

"Why were you here?" You question trying to make longer conversation.

"I just like watching." He said.

You raised an eyebrow at the sneaky one.

He was about your same age so you couldn't blame him. Medda wouldn't care. "What's your name?"


"Mush your going to have to the live show will be even better. Here's a ticket." You say and hand him one.

Blink- "orange juice! Eggs! Pancakes! Bacon! " the food orders chimed through the work place. You were used to it and even tolerated it most of the time. Most of today's customers were usuals so nothing special.

Five people in. Two out. Party of six out. One. That was unusual you rarely saw a table for one. You'd see supposedly twos turn into ones but not just one.

You looked and saw the solemn kid sitting in the chair with a mug. He had a eyelatch on. "Break (y/n)." The chef said. Finally. You decided to sit by the lone one.

"A party of two is better then one." You say as you sit down. He smiles.

"I guess your right." He says. "Maybe I should sit alone more often then more pretty girls like yourself would sit by me." He chuckles.

"If your ever looking for me my name is (y/n)." You say.

"They call me Blink. Kid Blink."

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