he asks you out

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Jack- You sit down on the park bench when your crush, Jack Kelly sits right next to you and even puts an arm around you. "I know how you feel." He says. "New York is confining and stinky."

"You can say that again." You agree.

"Well we could always go to Sheep Shead with my buddy Race sometime. Watch the horses and remember the good ol' days."

"Have you ever been out of New York?" You question, facing him.


"I can tell. Its a date Kelly. 4:00 sharp." You say and push his hat over his eyes and walk away. Leaving him to just stare in awe.

David- "Tag!" Les says pushing you then bolting off. You grin at the little boy and take off after him, climbing over any object in your way.

"I'm gonna get you!" You say chasing after Les. David sat and sighed as he watched in complete infatuation as you tackled Les and caught him and began to tickle torture him.

You had been watching David from the corner of your eye, how could you not? He was so handsome.

"Do you want to stop and get woke lunch?" David asks.

"Come again?" You ask.

"Would you like to get lunch, like a picnic or something?" He blushed.

"You did it Dave!" Les shouted.

Spot- After a few week of being his hummingbird he had become particularly fond of you and came to the bar often. You didn't mind because you had a liking to him yourself, but one of your friends warned you to stay away from him when it came to love. She loved him and he left her in the cold.

You couldn't help it though. He stole your heart. "Hummingbird," he said sitting up to you, placing his hand on your knee which made you straighten. "How's the buzz?"

"Slow." You replied. No news lately.

"Nice to have a break. I'd like to spend it with someone other than a group of boys, you know." He said winking at you.

"And I'd like to spend it with a gentleman." You shot back playfully.

That's when he got on one knee and said, "y/n, my hummingbird, will you go out with me?" He held your hand smiling. "Cant get any more gentlemanly than that."

Racetrack- "That tip you gave me was a complete phony!" Race complained to you after the race as he helped you sweep the floor. You laughed at his childish behavior.

"Hey I see the practices, not the races. Who knew that Yonkers would win." You laughed. "He's a very stubborn horse."

"You should'a been there, it was a great race. Maybe I should quit bettin'"

"No. That's why we met remember!" You stop him.

"Alright, I'll make a deal with you. I'll keep gambling, if you go on a date with me." He smiled.


Mush- Mush had been at the back row of nearly everyone of your shows for the last two weeks and everytike he disappeared at the end and you couldn't find him. You'd talked only one other time when you gave him showly tickets of course with terrible seats but he used them well. You had a soft spot for the kid.

After rehearsal you dressed into your normal dress and was heading down the lobby when you saw him. Mush. "Wait!" You wise stopping him. "Stop! "

Mush looked back at you and smiled. "Hey y/n."

"Why don't you stay after shows?" You asked.

"I like rehearsals better so the other guys don't whistle at you." He said.

You blushed hardcore. "Ask me out." You blurted out.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He responds.

Blink- Extra runny eggs, the usual for your extra favorite usual break company. You often spent your break talking to the Kid with an eyepatch. He said the most wonderful things. You knew you liked him, but does he like you?

You were carrying his meal, the cheapest thing on the menu besides water, over to your table for two by the window. Just as you were to set the plate down your shoe failed you on the wet surface and you slipped and dropped the eggs all over Blink.

"I am so sorry!" You gushed standing up from your fall.

"Are you alright?" He asked in reassurance.

"Yeah I'm fine." You gathered napkins to try to wipe off all the egg yolk. "How can I make it up to you? "

"Go on a date with me and we'll call it even." He said smiling.

"Alright." You replied.

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