1 ✧ damon

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This is my first time actually writing imagines and also, putting a book together for the fun of it! I really hope this turns out fine.


Imagine another guy tries to hurt you and Damon can't contain himself.

  Tonight, Damon had secretly planned a date for you guys to go off to, to ease your minds for once all week. All week, you tagged along with Damon everywhere, just because he made you. He didn't really like to leave you alone back at the house.

  You continuously reminded him, you have control on who can be invited in, but he didn't care. You were the only person who made him happy, and he could not lose you emotionally and physically.

  "Don't wear anything too fancy, okay?" Your boyfriend of a year and 5 months says, while he slips the shirt he was wearing before, over his shoulders, and throws it on the floor. He changed into a plain t-shirt that defined his arm muscle defiantly, and his black jeans that showed his leg muscles. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the shirt he threw on the floor and placed it into the hamper.

  You changed into something basic, a purple shirt, with your favorite skinny jeans, and your boots. "I just didn't want you going out looking provocative. That's only for me to see." Damon eyed you, smirking to himself. You laughed, and threw a pillow at him, which led to him dodging it.

  "What kind of date calls for basic clothing?" You teased. Damon squinted his eyes at you and started going out of the door. He then turned around and looked you up and down. "Y/N, you know I've never been the type to be that romantic. I've always been suitable to my own taste, and you've always liked it, haven't you," he raises his eyebrows, wiggling them as he continued to smirk at you.

  "Let's just go," you nudge him in the shoulder, as he grabs your hand. He smiled and led you to his blue Camaro. The ride around Mystic Falls was slow, quiet but yet exciting. You knew you weren't going anywhere fancy, he just wanted to show you fun because you didn't have fun in a while. He kept glancing over at you as he drove on the limitless road.

  He adored you, hopelessly adored you. Just the way you smiled, made his heart skip a beat. He never felt a love like this before, and man did he desire it. All his life, he was used to never being put first. But, you were now who he had to always put first. He wouldn't want anything to happen to you. If you were taken from his reach, he would die trying to get the woman he loved too much, back.

  You changed his whole world, you impacted a -'heartless vampire, who didn't care about anyone' - guy so greatly, he questioned every day, how he got so lucky.

  You were still human, which was why he had to protect you. He didn't want you facing what he had to face everyday. But, he surely wasn't hesitant to kill for you. At first, you were taken aback by the rumors of supernatural creatures in the town, and you were terrified.

  He was hard to get to. He had so many walls that threatened to break down at any moment. Once you fell in love with him, you forgot every flaw he had and what he truly was.

  Often, he would feel as if you picked him, out of all people, out of pity. No where near that thought was true. You picked him, because you saw what kind of man he was. You fell in love with him and only him. Especially that Raven hair of his, along with his crystal blue bright eyes. It was an opportune advantage.

  Those mesmerizing blue eyes, you would hopelessly get lost in. It couldn't be helped.

  "Daydreaming about me, I see," he snapped you out of a trance. As you looked around, you saw that you had been parked for a while now. You also could see him smirking at you, with his signature lip movement that made you weakened to your knees.

  You looked around, and observed the area, and it was all so familiar. Of course he would bring you here. After all it was where he met you. Mystic Grill.

  "Had a feeling you would bring me here," you giggled to yourself, "perfect for a night of fun." You interlocked your hands with his, as you both got out of the car, and made it inside.

  Inside the grill you saw, people playing pool, chatting at the booths, drinkers at the bar, and most of all, you saw Damon by your side.

  You sat at a booth together, him on the opposite seat, staring into your eyes. You both ordered. You've both been here so many times together, that you've memorized each others' favorite entrées.

  "I'll be right back, I need to go wash my hands," You say as Damon looked up at you, and hesitantly nodded his head.

  You started to walk over to the bathroom, your sneakers treading awfully loudly on the wooden floorboards. You placed your hand on the door, and hesitantly opened it, but only to feel something or someone grabbing your wrist. Instantly, your heart started to beat dangerously rapid in your chest. You hesitantly turned around to face whatever was touching you.

  "Little lady. What are you doing at this time of the hour? You know what happens to pretty little girls like you," the stranger slurred. You looked at him in horror and stepped back a little. He grabbed your arm, and twisted, and pushed you into the bathroom. He slammed you into the mirror, as he covers your mouth with his hand.

  Glass shatters around the floor, surprisingly missing your body. You looked at the stranger, with a plead in your eyes. "Mr. Salvatore's girlfriend, scratch that name off the list," he maliciously smirked, his hand quickly reaching into his back pocket.

  You took the chance and screamed. Damon, was listening the whole time, his hands shaking with rage. He flipped over the table and kicked down the door using his vampire speed. He threw the man off of you, and smashed his head into the sink. His veins popped under his under eye, changing the way he looked completely. You started shaking. Damon pushed you out of the door frame. "Take the car home Y/N!" He screamed, and you grabbed his keys and headed home, still hearing the screams of the guy who tried to kill you.

  Tears threatened to splutter out of your eyes, but you had nothing to cry about. You shook your head and fought back the urge as you pulled into the driveway of the home.

  When you got in, you laid on the couch, your hand on your temple. The 'special' night had all went to a waste.

  The front door swung open, and in walked Damon. His shirt was tore, his mouth was bloody, and his knuckles were dry of blood.

  "Y/N, baby. I'm sorry. I wanted to do something nice for you, and some bastard had to ruin it. Well, he's dead now," he looked at you, feeling every sense of guilt there was. He didn't want to kill that man, but that man threatened you.

  "It's okay Damon. I love you otherwise," you get up, and engulf him into a hug, your head buried into his neck as he held your waist tightly. "I love you so much,"

  "I love you too," he said as ran his fingers down your waist, and whispered into your ear, his hot breath blowing against your skin.

  That night, you and Damon were occupied. You both got carried away at each other's lips, that you found yourself getting slammed onto the bed.  Clothing garments were scattered all over the big house. It may have been a bad date, but it sure wasn't bad when it came to him rocking your body into the sheets.


but hey! it was my first imagine, and it's also written pretty long. (and very confusing tbh)
sorry about that as well!
requests are open as well! (:

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