part 26

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You go through to the kitchen and help your mum wash up, she says to you

"sing for me,like you used to"

You start to sing her a song, when you finish she say again,you sing her another song, your still singing when liam walks in,

"that's you singing? we all thought it was the radio! Your really good!!"

You blush and don't know what to say

"come with me"

You follow liam up stairs

"hey guys listen to this"

He looks at you

"go on do it again,

you start to sing,you half way through and stop,

They all smile at you

"she's good right?" liam says they all nodd

"really good" zayn says

You walk out the room and leave them to finish packing.

you can't believe them, your not sure if they are just saying it to make you feel good. you clear your head and get on with your home work you leave the maths till last as its your least favorite subject as you get to it you sigh and say under your breath 'best to do it' you slowly but surly finish it,you check the time your clock says 10:45 you rush in to bed as you want to get up to say good bye in the morning


'one way or another...'

your phone goes off its 1:30,you get up and head down stairs you can hear the boys saying a huge thank you to your mum for hospitality when they come through they all say 'bye' and 'see you soon' and give you a hug, niall gives you such a big hug you thought he would never let go he gives you one last kiss good bye before going out to the car. You watch as they drive away,your mum comes over any puts her arm

irresistible-niall horan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now