Chapter four

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After many days of travelling to Rakuzan on the horses. Aomine and Kagami took a break and set up the tent middle of nowhere. Some towns passed through. Kagami put a map on the ground and pointed at the Rakuzan symbol which is dragon with the gold crown. He then pointed at the place where they are near isolated town. "This will take 20 minutes to get there.." Kagami exhaled and chuckled, "Finally. We are close.." He was already tired of carrying the bags while riding the horse. This map may look small but it's large.

The map have 6 famous towns but two of them are destroyed. Rakuzan, Shutoku, Kaijo, Touou and Yosen, Seirin. Most famous place is Rakuzan. This land is very strong and no one can go against them. Yosen and Seirin were destroyed.. By Kirisaki Daichi. The uncrowned king is from Kirisaki Daichi and uncrowned royal is from Seirin and but now this uncrowned royal's whereabouts is unknown.
There are rumors. This uncrowned royal went missing after Yosen's war with Kirisaki Daichi. He probably went to Prince Moriyama's New Yosen town.

"Royal Midorima want me to meet him at Shutoku," Aomine said, "Royal Midorima's jester sent me a letter. Courier said it's just secret from the Royal of Shutoku. Shutoku trusted me well.. Should I go with you to get Tetsu back or I go and hear the Royal of Shutoku's secrets?" Aomine pulled out the letter and showed it to Kagami;

Come to Shutoku. I want to tell you my important secret and you'll be put to dungeon if you tell anyone my secret. I swear to the emperor if you tell anyone..

   Midorima Shintaro the Royal of Shutoku

"Come with me and take Kuroko back! You'll meet him later after this! I care about my friend!" Kagami shouted. He did not want to go and take Kuroko away from the emperor in Rakuzan alone! No one can ever take precious things from the emperor if they did, they'll be doomed. D.E.A.T.H. The people avoided making him angry. So many people wondered why the emperor didn't attack Kirisaki Daichi.

"Kagami, alright. I'll blame you if Midorima get angry," Aomine smirked, "He's most tsundere Royal. Heh!"

"Yeah! The emperor's most absolutely asshole!" Kagami laughed. They don't need to worry because there is no one around. Only two of them. They started insulting King, Ruler, Royal, and even Emperor.

"The king's giant and fat who eat too much snacks!"

"Actually, he's not fat. But still.. He'll get fat someday!"


Kuroko tried to ask Mibuchi where Akashi is but he didn't knew where he is. Kuroko began to feel panicky, walking around the path in the outside. He sometime hear the people whispering about him.

"Is that the emperor's soulmate?"


Kuroko don't really care and all he think about is the emperor. Where did he disappear to? He sat down on the ground and sighed. He suddenly remembered that Mibuchi told him about the emperor's favorite place, the garden behind the castle. He stood up and was about to go to the garden but a napkin covered his mouth. He felt hands holding him and dragging him into the small house. Kuroko tried to struggle but he felt weak and his eyelids began to close...

He passed out.


Akashi sat on the ground in the garden and front him is the stone with 'The emperor's mother' carved into the stone. He stared at the flowers around the stone. His mother was buried in this garden since she loved the flowers so much. She gave myosotis flower to the prince Akashi. "Mother... Why?"

"This flower is extremely rare in this land. Take your future soulmate to the lake. Kiss her... Or him. Make it sweet. Find a myosotis and give it to your soulmate..My little emperor, Seijuro.."

Akashi held a myosotis that was for Kuroko but he ran away. The blue colour of Myosotis is truly beautiful which matches Kuroko's eyes. He raised his hand with myosotis to the sky. He continued to stare at it. He stood up, "I'm not going to give up!" He yelled to himself and put the flower in the pocket and ran to find his Tetsuya.


Kuroko was awake but his eyes was still closed. He don't want to wake up but he forced himself to open the eyes and he groaned. He rubbed his eyes to clear the blurry vision when he finally cleared the blurry vision. He sat up, looking around. "Where am I?" He mumbled as he looked around in the room with the candles. He was on the big nice mattress with the warm blanket. A figure with red hair came in the room and waved at Kuroko. Oh.. That red head from his home. With Aomine.

"Hey! Finally awake?" Kagami said, sitting sown beside him. Kuroko was asleep for 3 days. But he was supposed to be asleep for few hours. "Kuroko.. Do you remember me? I saved you from the emperor. This is my chance to apologize.." Kagami said quietly.

"Of course. I remember you from that town with Aomine-kun.."

"No no. I mean.. Do you remember me from Seirin?" Kagami asked, leaning in. Secretly hoping Kuroko will remember. Kagami finally remembered who Kuroko is after Kuroko was took to Rakuzan. He regretted everything. Mitobe was his only best friend and Riko died of hungry. She can't find much foods after the attack. Izuki.. He became jester in Rakuzan. And Kiyoshi went missing. Hyuga went to Touou and became an warrior. Koganei died from the punishment of Rakuzan. No one know why Koganei was punished. And lastly, Furihata. He was at Rakuzan, normal boy at the town. Some people said he was in love with the emperor but in the end, he never can get the emperor to fall in love with him. Furihata was upset and left Rakuzan and went to Teiko.

Kuroko tried to remember. He gasped when he finally remembered. This redhead is one of fake friends! He stood up and tried to run but Kagami stopped him by holding his wrists and pushed him back to mattress. "Kuroko. I'm helping you... To get away from the emperor," Kagami said, "We're in Kaijo. Kaijo and Touou are teaming and planned to attack Rakuzan together. You don't need to worry." Kagami said with a smile.

Don't need to worry? No. Kuroko struggled. He don't want to see the emperor dead. And Rakuzan's town being destroyed! He actually loved the emperor. He whimpered. He suddenly punched Kagami. It's like his hand moved on itself. Kagami rubbed his cheek, staring at Kuroko.

"I... I'm sorry.. I need to see Ak-The emperor.." Kuroko stammered. He hated seeing people hurt which reminded him of bad memories in the past. He walked up to Kagami and touched his cheek. "Are you alright...?" He asked.

"Yeah.. Thanks," Kagami said, "Why do you want to see the emperor really badly?" He asked. Making Kuroko froze. Blue head remained silent. Not wanting to answer. He realized that he's truly in love with the emperor but why? He grew up without a love. He never thought he could love anyone since he's destitute milk boy. All he care about is golds, foods and survive. All of that's important for him until he was took to Rakuzan..

"The war between Rakuzan and Kaijo, Touou will start tomorrow. So rest. Kirisaki Daichi's coming tomorrow. They'll be middle of the war. They will attack both. Rakuzan and Kaijo, Touou. Sadly, whose are cursed will kill people they love.." Kagami said, "They will start killing the people they love tomorrow. So be careful, Kuroko." Kagami patted Kuroko's head.

"Actually, I'm cursed.." Kuroko looked down.


Finished it! You can guess who's jester at Shutoku. And.. Poor Midorima, as a royal, not allowed to have a love. Heh..

All of you probably knew who the king is. XD


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