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Hey guys, I don't think anyone actually has this story anymore but I'm just here to say...well idk.
I'm just laughing so hard at how cringeworthy this is and how much hate I got for it.
I literally got so much hate when Niall and Harry got together.
But I can't even read this because of how bad it is.
Anyway I guess I'm just saying, if you wanna write a book, do it now. You might think it's bad later but you will certainly learn from it.
Come on guys, chuck a Dan. ( an awfully cringeworthy first try at something but become rich and famous because you keep going)
Anyway, nice talking to you guys again. If you read it all, I'm dreadfully sorry. I will give you chocolate one day.
Anyway I'll probably never update again so make your own ending. May it be happy, may it be sad.

Stay great,
Nikki xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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