Today Show Interview - January 4, 2016

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Savannah Guthrie: "Today we are very excited to welcome a wonderful woman, working so hard to make this world a better place and provide a role model to anyone anywhere. Please welcome Sophia Bush!"

*cheers and music playing as she walks out in a stunning black dress that compliments every part of her. She waves to all the screaming fans and lends a huge smile to Savannah as they come near each other and go in for a hug*

SG: "Thank you so much for being here, we are very excited to have you." 

Sophia Bush: "Oh my gosh are you kidding?! I am so excited to be here!"

SG: "Well I first would like to congratulate you on your engagement to Jesse Lee Soffer!"

SB: *with a huge smiling showing off her gorgeous ring* "Thank you! We are really excited to share our lives together and it's been a really fun adventure with him."

SG:"Is being engaged to Jesse different from dating him for you?"

SB: "We have always been really great friends, and when we started dating it was not much different, and now I just have a little extra jewelry that will change the rest of my life so it's no big deal" she says with sarcastic hand gestures.

SG: "Okay, so I need to get some information about this crossover that spreads through tomorrow and Wednesday."

SB: "Yeah, it's going to be 3 hours of all three shows and it will be stressful and sad and funny all at the same time. It's going to be crazy."

SG: "What's it like to be part of that. I mean there are so many people, me included, that are counting down the minutes until your show comes on. That has to feel pretty good."

SB: nodding she says, "definitely. I am so lucky to be a part of that and it is so much fun; it doesn't ever feel like work because we are all such good friends laughing and making those 3 am mornings durable" she adds with a laugh.

SG: "Well, I am super excited to watch it and honestly some of the fans are saying that they are even more excited for the live tweeting that you all do."

SB: "Oh yeah, we get funny on twitter during that hour. Normally we all try and get together to watch some of the episodes, and we have a plan to do that tomorrow and Wednesday, so it should be a lot of fun."

SG: "Is it awkward to be dating someone from a show that your character has a relationship with?"

SB: "No, I have gotten used to it by now. It does get a little awkward because everyone is watching us as we do different scenes, so some of the kissing scenes and things can get a little weird because everyone knows we are together." 

SG: "Okay, I only have a few more questions"

Sophia nods in approval ready to hear the next one with a smile on her face.

SG: "If you could trade places with anyone on any of the Chicago shows, who would it be?"

SB: Taking a second to think about it she responds, "Monica Raymund's character, Gabby Dawson, I think that she has a really important role in that show and I admire everything that Monica is doing with that character and with her personal life. Plus, I would have a TV relationship with Jesse Spencer, so that's a win for sure" she says with a devious smile. "But, really, the things she is doing for women equality and for the LGBTQ community is really inspiring and I would love a chance to accept that challenge and try and do it as well as she is doing it right now."

SG: "And, you are working with a few organization and charities yourself? Can you tell us about those?"

SB: "Ah, yes i could sit here all day and tell you about those. So, the main one that I am working with right now is the girl project. I have teamed up with the Glamour magazine and we are raising money to get supplies and knowledge to the girls in low income areas where education is not readily available. Ever since I was young I have believed that education is power, the more you know the more you can do in the world, and that is what I am trying to spread by making this a popular subject."

SG: "Wow, I mean that is really an amazing thing that you are doing because you have already raised so much for that organization it's incredible."

SB: "Yes, I am really grateful to all the donators and all of my fans that made the organization so well-known. I also recently started working with the organization called Pencils of Promise, to help promote education to all kids in low income areas. So, we are really excited to see this through and I am visiting some of the areas that we send supplies to this summer and it will be a really fun adventure to see all these kids that are finally getting an education."

SG: "Well, you are really inspiring and after the show I would love to donate to some of your charities and organizations"

SB: With an even brighter smile she says, "yes, of course, thank you so much."

SG: "This is the last question before our time runs out; do you think that you will change your last name when you get married or keep it as Bush?"

SB: "I think personally I will change it, but professionally with all of the organizations I am part of and my work, it might become difficult to change my name, but we will cross that bridge when we cross it I guess" she ends with a laugh that melts the whole room. 

SG: "A big thank you to Sophia Bush for talking with us and we will see you tomorrow on the Today Show"

Both continue talking without the audience being able to hear it and the interview is over...

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