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Sangs POV

When we finally get to the house in Sunnyvale, Marie is already out of the car and up the stairs in seconds flat.

I already know that there will be a punishment so there's no reason to rush to the house.

"Do you need me to come in with you Miss. Sorenson?" Kyle my driver asked. I never really wanted a driver. I didnt see the point in having somebody else do what I could do myself.

"Im fine Kyle. Please, its Sang." I said with a smile. He nods and rolls the window back up, I watch as he drives away with the last bits of my dignity.

When I do get inside the house, Mother is already standing in the doorway of the kitchen with father standing straight behind her.

"Strip, use a robe while walking there and sit in the tree naked." His voice was final.

I nod mutely and quickly strip in front of them, having lost the last bits of my modesty long ago. Marie comes from the back room holding a skimpy thin robe. She smirks but doesnt make I contact.

I quickly put on the robe and walk out of the back door. When I get to the tree line I let out a breath, I dont know many people who like going out into the woods so I never have anything to worry about. But then again i dont know many people.

I pick a big tree about a half mile away from my home and climb. technichally Im suppose to shed the robe before I do anything, but I never do because even when I do my punishment only gets worse.

I wait until night fall before I head back each time and its only about noon so I think of all of the things I have to do tomorrow. Its hard being a model and a actor because of all of the gigs you have to do.

Im technically not even suppose to be able to be a model because im only 5", maybe a little over.

I have long legs though so as long as I dont have to stand next to anything remotly tall then nobody notices.

I sigh and think of all the reasons why my parents could possibly want me to do this. I learned to never ask because I got a beating and double the punishment.

Mother did tell me once that if she strips me of all my cockiness that I couldnt be a whore.

i sigh and listen to the sourounding sounds. I turn my head quickly toward the sound of heavy footsteps.

"You have got to be kidding me." I moan. Well there's a first time for everything. I think and smirk.

I look for the keeper of these annoying steps and come face to face with brown/red hair, a very built body, and very naked, very built chest. I guess not face to face because I mean Im in a tree.

"Is anybody there." Even his voice is attractive.

He looks around and I beg him not to look up. aaaaaand he looked up.

I smile and wave like I always do in these situations. I learned it from nice little animated penguins on a childrens movie.

"Are you ok?" Of course he's nice and attractive. Why cant he be a jerk?

"Im fine. Sorry to inturrupt your run." I say a little to brightly. He looks at me funny and I laugh.

"Seriously, Im fine. Carry on." He stares at my legs and I blush. I never have figured out why I still blush so easily. I mean I have many people that look at me all the time for my work and yet I still blush at the simplest things.

"Where did you get that bruise?" I feel my eyes widen. I snap my head to look at my leg. Sure enough there is a giant bruise on the back of my calf.

"Why dont you come down here for a second so we can talk." I narrow my eyes at him. I cant help it. The way he worded it sounds like hes gonna steal me and put me in the back of a creeper van, drive away and bring me to some underground sex ring. (No offense to anybody if anybody takes that offensive.)

"Im not gonna hurt you."

"Thats what all serial killers say."

"Have you met alot of serial killers?"

"No. But I watch alot of CSI" I mumble. I hear him laugh and then he stops suddenly. I look down at him again and see him blushing.

I look to my robe and see its fallen open. currently I am flashing him all of my privates. I quickly sit up and close the flap. I must have over corrected because I suddenly am looking at the bottom of my branch instead of sitting on it.

Strong arms catch me and spin me around a few times before completely stoping. I look up sheepishly with a blushing face and see him looking up. I blush when I feel wind on all of the places wind should never touch.

I squeak and look down only to look back up again and groan in embarrassment.

And yes. I am robless.

"Sorry sweetheart but im pretty sure during the fall your, uh, robe thing fell off." I am currently against a very hard, very naked chest while I am also very, very naked.

"You can set me down." I whisper to imbarrassed to look." He sets me down on my feet and turns sideways. He brings his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

"So you like, go naked everywhere?" His voice got high at the end.

"I do not make a habit of doing this no. I would really appreciate it if you never talk about this again." I try to say strongly but my voice betrays me and cracks.

"Oh trust me I wont. I promise." He walks over to a little bush and grabs my robe. When he walks back he looks me over. I blush and cover my self. trying to cover all the bruises to.

"So where did you get the bruises." He clears his throat and hands me the robe. Once he turns around I quickly get dressed in it and answer.

" I fell."

"A hundred times? And on what, nails?' Marie must have left claw marks.

" I-" I have to stop and clear my throat.

"I cant really answer that."

"Thats fine but why are you naked? I did not think that you were that kind of famous person." He chuckles. I blush and shake my head quickly.

"Im not."

"Want to explain it to me?"

Do I expliain something like this to someone who could jsut as easily go tell all of the papers. Get my family arrested and my sob story everywhere. So that when people look at me they only see the little haunted look in my eyes everyone ignores.

I look back at the boy infront of me.

"What's your name first?"

Before I spill this i will know his name.


Hey guys i am so so so sorry for all the mistakes. I dont have an editor soo..

Anyways. Comment vote.


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