You must be gorgeous.

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Nathans POV
Number one: right when she fell from the tree I called the doc. Couldn't help it. She had bruises I wanted checked.

And two: I ended up checking her out. I couldnt help it and it made me feel like a complete douche. But she was hot. Like I said I couldnt help it.

Im also a guy and she is a completely naked girl. And shes fucking gorgeous so.

Anyways when she asked me my name it threw me for a loop. I would expect her to run screaming not ask me my name.

"Nathan Griffin."

"Sang Sorenson."

"I know."

"I wasnt going to assume." She said quietly. I laugh because one shes a girl and two she just played coy. She is a freaking famous person and she just played coy.

She looks away and blushes which again confuses me because she was, again, famous and for some reason blushing becasue I laughed at her.

Not that it wasn't an ego booster though. That I can make her blush I mean.

"Anyways where did you get the marks and why are you naked?" I knew abuse when I saw it and she fit the MO.

"Im naked because I see it as a punishment and I do it when I have a bad day." She is a god awful lier.

"You are the worst lier on gods green earth." Her beautiful green eyes finally meet mine again and I supress a sad sigh.

"Im guessing your parents punish you by doing this until a certain time because you acted concieted and they want to strip you of that?" She looks away and I have my answer. But the sad thing is she doesnt look concieted at all, just a little closed off.

"And the bruises are probably from you being kicked or hit with a hard object." Me and my brothers know this behaviour well.

I can see the reluctance to ask for help in her eyes and it sadens me.

Dear god I sound like Kota. I grimace.

"If your not going to answer thats fine but can I give you some cream to help heal the bruises. they dont look that bad but it will help and it makes them feel better." Her shoulders relax when I tell her the bruises arent bad so I know that shes hiding some.

Probably on her back thats what Vic's dad would do. Not that he abuses him, its all verbal but still.

"Do you have it with you." Her soft voice breaks the silence.

"No its at my house."

"I wouldnt want to intrude." Fucking shit! Is this girl made of steel or something. Her voice has been monotone since I asked what happened.

"Its fine come on." My run can wait.


Dr. Greens POV

When Nathan called and I heard the conversation I couldnt help but grin. Which is normal for me in those kinds of situations, I smile and laugh because if you loook close enough its freaking hilarious.

But now that I heard about the bruising I want to punch Nathan in the face for letting her drop out of the freaking tree, I mean really?

Anyways right when Nathan started talking about cream and punishments. (Not in that order.) I got in my car and drove, Yes its my day off, yes I havent slept nearly a wink in 48 hours which really isnt healthy.

I have no idea where Im going with this. Anyways I ended up at Nathans house and now im listening to the awkward conversation between the two teens. Its funny, but so awkward I want to cover my face and shake my head.

I know Nathans a virgin but he is not that innocent. Ive walked in on a few of the academy girls and him heavy petting or giving head, so I know that hes gotten at least to third base with a girl.

Sang though, is famous. Its fifty fifty. either she is a complete hoe or a prude.

And with the way shes talking Im betting on prude.

Owen would be proud at her emotionless voice.

"You live here?" Ahh. Finally alittle emotion.

"Yeah why?"

"I live down the street. You have a pool." Her voice is breathy and very sexy at the moment.

Down little Green down.

"I do have a pool. And when did you move in?" I can here the smirk in his voice.

"A couple of days ago." I laugh at her distracted voice. Nathan chuckles and explains that a friend is coming over for dinner, she says that she doesnt want to impose (again) and he says its a guy.

Yada yada yada.

"Oh your gay?" Is that excitment I hear?

"What no! Not that theres anything wrong with that but im not." I can attest to that.



And this is the part when I would walk in and save them from the extremely awkward situation, well if I was a good human being.

I am not, in fact, a good human being apparently because I sit here, in my car, and let them bask in the awkwardness for a good 5 minutes.

When I decide Nathan has had enough imbarassment to last a life time I get out and go to the house.

"Honey Im home." I shout to the houses awkward residents.

"Your honey I'm guessing?" I laugh at that.

"I guess."

When I walk to the sounds of the voices, Which is in the living room, I see the most beautiful creature I have ever had the chance to lay eyes on.

"Hello gorguous." I mean I knew she was cute but damn.

"Im guessing your gorgeous too?" She says looking up at Nathan, feigning innocence.

I laugh and walk up to her. I take her had and hold it about an inch away from my lips.

"Nope my sweet. You happen to be gorgeous." I give her my panty dropping smile when she blushes.

Oh sweetie your mine now.


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