Part 23 - Recovery

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The last few months have been hard. Things are better now, but I'm finding it's still a struggle some days. I grieved for my dad, we all did, but losing my mom was different and harder. Maybe because it was so sudden or maybe it was because we were so close, but the pain hasn't gone away. In the days after her funeral I found myself constantly visiting the cemetery where my parents lay next to each other as if being there meant I could get them back. The good thing was I was never lonely or felt alone. Between my siblings (we all clung to each other heavy), and my friends, my support system was strong. Then, on top of everything, I had Bruno. My Bruno. He's been my life support and my rock throughout everything. Nights I would wake up in tears or simply couldn't sleep, he was always there to hold my hand. I knew that Bruno, my brother and sister, and my girls were all worried about me slipping into old ways. I understood their concern, but what they failed to realize was that things are so much different than before. Before, my son had been taken from me, my marriage ruined and I had been betrayed by the one person I never expected to ever hurt me. Now, while the pain of losing my mom was definitely real, I was stronger than before. And I had Bruno. His love has kept me going and means everything to me. I figured the best way to show them I was ok was by keeping some type of normality. Sadly, that's just been in the form of me working like crazy. I found myself going in earlier, staying later and traveling more than ever.

Bruno's been keeping busy too. He's been spending what seems like days at a time working in the studio and juggling multiple side projects as well. Noticing our hectic schedules and our "just passing through" relationship over the last few weeks, we made a promise to make time for each other. We tried to eat dinner together every night, even if it meant one or both of us returning to work after. We also tried to keep the days where we were out of town to three at a time even though that wasn't always possible. I started to notice that even when we were together, I wasn't really there. My mind was constantly on work and trying to build KE and take it to another level. Bruno noticed it as well. I could see it in his eyes sometimes. I knew it bothered him but he tried not to show it and never said anything. I promised him that I would be better. I just wanted him to know how much I loved and appreciated him.

I found myself with almost an entire day free after a couple of morning meetings. I left work and went to the salon to get my nails touched up and a quick facial. After, I headed to the market deciding to fix Bruno a Mexican feast of enchiladas with rice and beans and all the fixings for dinner. After I took the dogs for a quick walk, I blasted Bruno's music while I cooked. It had been so long since I listened to his music and I enjoyed hearing his perfect voice fill the house and reminded myself of why I was a Hooligan in the first place. I blended some fresh salsa singing the lyrics to Moonshine at the top of my lungs and freaked out when I turned and saw Bruno sitting on a stool at the counter watching me, smiling from ear to ear. "Jesus fucking Christ Bruno; make some kind of noise or something!" I screamed almost spilling the bowl of salsa I just made. He grabbed the remote and turned the music down so he could be heard. "I tried but you got this shit up so loud you couldn't hear a bomb go off", he said walking over to kiss me. "Smells good, what chu got cooking?" he asked, scooping salsa onto a chip. "Enchiladas in the over, black beans and rice, gotta make the guac' still. But since you're home", I said pulling out a chilled bottle of Patron and two Coronas, "we might as well get started", I said as he poured us shots.

We dined outside with the glow of the pool lights and garden lanterns. "Babe, this is so good", Bruno said in between bites. "You know I like taking care of my baby. So what's new?" "Well, we, we being my brother and sisters, want to go spend some time at home soon, so let me know when you can clear a few days so I can let everybody know", he said stacking our dishes. "A few days in beautiful, sunny Hawaii versus work, work, work, I'm already there", I said laughing. "So, how is work?" I asked. "It's good. Had a new idea for a song I want you to hear; if I can ever get your ass down to the studio", he said. "I'll make time baby, I promise", I told him. "I hope so", he said somewhat bitterly. "I will babe, you just tell me when and I'll be there. I'm trying Bruno, I am. I know I haven't been right since Mom died and I've been pouring myself into work but I'm trying", I said. He just sat there and didn't respond to me at all. "Pete, you have to know I love you. You have to know I am thankful and appreciate you being there for me. Baby, I'll be better, I promise. Just don't give up on me", I begged through tears. Come here", he said pulling me into his lap, caressing my face. "No more tequila for you", he said with a laugh. "I love you Candy. I just want you to be ok and I want us to be ok. We'll figure it out baby", he said sincerely. He kissed me slowly, out tongues moving and lips dancing in harmony. "Let's go for a swim", he whispered in my ear before pulling my shirt over my head. He stripped me bare before doing the same to himself. Holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist, he walked us into the water, cooling the heat between our bodies. I ran my hands through his hair as our kiss grew more and more demanding. He let out a quiet moan when he slid his thickness into my wet heat. Slowly grinding my body against his, I felt him jerk inside me telling me he was going to release. "Cum for me baby, fill me up", I moaned as we filled the air with the sounds of our love making. "Umm, not yet, shit Candy stop, oh fuck", he grunted and moaned when I tightened my walls around him prompting his release. "Damn it Candy", he panted, as I dismounted him. "Shhh", I quieted him bringing my lips to his. I led him to the hot tub sitting in the corner of the pool and climbed the stone stairs leading from the cool water to the blisteringly warm and submerged myself. "Come here", I said seductively beckoning my lover. "No, not next to me, stay over there", I said. "Relax baby", I said as Bruno sat in the seat across from me. I lifted my body out of the water, wet and glowing in the light of the pool and sat atop the seat so that only my feet remained in the water.

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