*Teaser* We Have a Problem

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Randall's P.O.V.

I glanced around her apartment. It was a little early in the day for her to be home already; but she did set her own hours. I looked in the kitchen and saw her clothes scattered on the floor and a men’s dress hat in front of the fridge. Maybe she ran up and changed clothes. “Candy baby, you home?” I called. I made my way to the closed bedroom door as she came out in her thin bath robe. “Hey babe, I was just about to shower. What are you doing here?” she asked kissing my cheek as someone knocked on her door. She shot me a curious look and opened the door to a panting Tori. “Hey, Randall, I thought I saw you in the lobby. Can you help me with something? I got a big package delivered and there’s only one security guy so he can’t help me”, she went on. “Umm, yeah I’ll bring it up. I’ll be right back babe”, I said to Candice. She had a weird look on her face, something was up. “Aren’t you a sweetheart”, she said before she shut the door behind us. I went down to the  lobby with Victoria as she told me she thought Candy was a little sick today and that she left work earlier. I carried the box into her apartment as she thanked me again. I left the access card Candy gave me upstairs in her apartment so Tori had to wait with me to let me go up on the elevator. “I wish the other elevators came up here too. Then we wouldn’t have to wait so long since these still work in the office space”, she said. I looked up to see the elevator approaching our floor from the floor above us. I quickly hit the down button so that it would stop here. There was only one apartment upstairs and unless Candice decided to come down, someone else was in there. The doors opened and I saw him standing there, in the same fucking hat that was on her kitchen floor. He just stood there and looked at me, as if he wanted me to say something. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to hem his little ass up in that fucking elevator because I knew he was fucking my girl. Lost in my thoughts, the doors closed and he was gone. My first thought was to take the stairs but I needed a card to get out when I got down but I can just take Tori’s. “Randall?” Tori said bringing me out of my thoughts. “Don’t do anything, you don’t need the publicity. Think about it, you go down there and your name is going to be plastered everywhere, and not in a good way”, she said. “You just signed a new contract; you don’t want to jeopardize that. Just go talk to her, let her explain”, she said as she swiped the card and let the door close.

I walked back in to Candy’s apartment and found her sitting in the kitchen sipping a glass of wine. “Should you be drinking? Tori said you were sick and left work early”, I said eyeing her speculatively. “I just had a headache, that’s all. She’s probably just mad at me; I wasn’t the nicest boss today. It was a busy one”, she said getting up and walking towards me. “Did you already shower? I asked her, waiting to catch her in her lies. “Nah, I decided to take a bath instead, it’s running now”, she said taking another wine glass off of her rack. “Will you have a glass with me before I get in, or you could get in with me? I wasn’t expecting you this early”, she said pouring the wine she knew I didn’t want. I’ll give it to her, she was playing it well. Then again, apparently she had been for a while. Judging from the look on his fucking face, this wasn’t the first time. I was sick of this game. “Do you think I’m fucking stupid Candice?” I asked her, ending this charade. It was there for a second, the look of ‘oh shit’ on her face. She recovered fast though, asking me what I meant. “Candice, no more bullshit, just tell me the truth; now! How long have you been fucking that nigga?” I asked her. “Randy, I…I….I don’t know…” she stuttered. “Don’t fucking lie to me! I fucking saw him Candice, so save your bullshit for somebody else. It took everything in me not to knock his ass out! So don’t stand there and fucking lie to my face!” She stood in the middle of her kitchen, eyes closed, taking a deep breath. “Randy……I’m so sorry”, she said looking up at me, tears cascading down her face. Damn it! I couldn’t believe this shit. In my rage I knocked over the rack holding her wine glasses, all of them falling to the floor shattering. She jumped back in an attempt to avoid the falling glass but not fast enough to avoid getting a long cut on her leg. “Damn it, Candy, I’m sorry”, I said crossing to her. I never meant to hurt her, no matter how pissed I was. “Its fine”, she said backing away from me, running towards the bathroom. I stood in the kitchen leaned over the counter trying to process my thoughts. “Shit”, I heard her yell, then the sound of water spilling over the tub I’m guessing. She came back out a few minutes later with a towel on her bleeding leg. “Its fine”, she repeated. “I didn’t mean to hurt you”, I said ashamed. “I know you didn’t”, she sniffed through tears. “Randall, I’m sorry….I”…. “How many times?” I asked her. “Really?” I asked when she just opened her mouth, not saying anything. “Let’s just say a while”, she admitted. “A while; Candice I want to give you everything! I would give you the world if you asked for it, anything! And you had the nerve to ask me if there was someone else? Did you ever even want to fucking marry me?” I asked her, my temperature boiling. “Yes!” she cried. “Randy I never wanted to hurt you. I love you, I’m sorry”, she cried. “Yeah, sorry you got caught”, I snapped. “That’s not true”, she cried back. “Really Candice”, I laughed. “You don’t give a fuck about me”, I said, getting sick of this discussion.

 I was surprised when she stormed to my face. “Really, like you’ve given a damn about me lately! You hardly talk to me anymore, I barely see you, and it’s not just because of work, and you never fucking touch me! I’ve tried Randall, I’ve tried to be there for you when all you’ve done is push me away”, she screamed. “I fucked up, big time Randy, but don’t you act like you’ve truly made any kind of effort with me since you put this ring on my finger”, she said wiping the tears from her face. “You’re the one fucking around on me and you want to bitch at me? Seriously Candice? You know what, fuck you! You can have that muthafucka and he can have your ass. I don’t need this shit’, I said grabbing my keys and throwing my phone in my pocket. “You want to leave me, fine. I can’t say that I can blame you”, she said crying again. She slid my ring off of her finger and placed it on the table by the door, sobbing. “I fucked up Randy, but I love you. I love you”, she said turning her back to me and continued crying. I grabbed my ring and walked out her door. I waited for the elevator, not knowing what to think or what to feel. I heard her door close with a click and pulled my phone out to make a call as I rode down. “It’s Spells, we have a problem……”

To be continued Loves......

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