Chapter 9: Morning

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(Dahlia's POV)

"Wake up, sleepyhead," a low voice murmured into my ear. I reached out a hand to bat at the voice's owner. A deep chuckle sounded from behind me and a large hand started to gently shake me awake. I groaned and turned to face my unholy awakener. 

I found myself looking into Andy's icy blue eyes. They were mischievous and enchanting eyes and they captivated me. His smile reached his eyes and he gave another low chuckle and scooped me close to his body for a bone-crushing hug. I tilted my head up to plant a soft kiss on his jaw. He returned my kiss and for a small moment, we remained still, our lips meeting.

We separated when my need to breath became too great. I was breathless and a goofy smile was stretched across my face. Andy slid out of the bunk to allow me to get out. I stood up straight, though I still only reached Andy's chin. I went into the tiny bathroom to freshen up.

Twenty minutes later, I stepped out of the small bathroom, my clothes changed and my hair brushed under a gray and orange beanie. Andy gave me a long look and smiled. "I like your shirt."

I blushed light pink, mentally praising myself for packing the tank top I was wearing. It was black, with the Batman logo running across it. It came down to the middle of my thighs, almost completely hiding my shorts. My favorite pair of Vans were laced onto my feet without any socks. 

Andy took my hand and led me to the bunk room, which was completely empty. The others were in the microscopic kitchen, eating breakfast or, in Ashley's case, grumbling softly in the front of the bus, talking to their manager.

Andy fished something out of his back pocket. It was a very small box made out of silver studded with shiny emeralds. He handed it to me and encouraged me to open it. 

I gently undid the small clasp and lifted the ornate lid. The inside was forest green silk and olive green velvet. Wedged in the olive-colored velvet was an intricate brass ring, fashioned into the shape and appearance of a coiled snake. It was ridged with slender lines and the tail curved up slightly. Its emotionless eyes were intelligent and cold. Overall, it was a beautiful ring. 

"This is a imprintee's ring. A vampire gives his mate a ring to symbolize that no matter what happens, they will always be mates. This particular ring belonged to a very powerful vampire queen who lived a long time ago. You have no idea how much it took to get this ring," Andy explained. 

I slipped it onto my finger, amazed at how light it was. It was stormy gray, with bits of black flecked on it. As soon as the cool brass had touched my finger, I felt stronger, like something magical was giving me power. I could only imagine the mysterious vampire queen and what power she wielded over her subjects. 

"As long as you treasure and protect this ring, you'll never have to worry about other vampires trying to drink your blood. They'll know that you are the mate of another and they'll back off, or I'll rip their heads off. If it is destroyed or damaged in any way, vampires will think it's only a ring and they'll be able to hurt you. Don't worry though. It's magic and it's not easily damaged," Andy continued. 

"Thank you, Andy. I love it. It's gorgeous," I said before I jumped onto him and hugged him. I felt his arms curl around me and draw me closer to his body. I was in heaven. Nothing could ruin that moment. All that existed was him and me. He smelled like vanilla and cinnamon, my two favorite scents. It was alluring and sweet. It drew me to him.

"So you've already claimed her as your mate? Remember, I've imprinted on her, too!" an angry voice yelled. Andy and I broke apart and looked at the voice's owner. It was Ashley, his face contorted with rage and his eyes full of hate. His hands were balled into lethal fists. 

"So what? She clearly chooses me!" Andy argued, stepping protectively in front of me. I tilted my head to see Ashley's expression. It was still livid and angry and his hands hadn't relaxed. 

"That's because you keep her away from me and I can't have a chance with her! It's only been three days and you've already fucking claimed her?" Ashley's tone was hurt and mad and it scared me. 

"So what if I've claimed her? She's accepted! And why would she choose you now? She fucking tried to kidnap her! She's scared of you! She hates you! She doesn't want you! Leave her the fuck alone before I snap your head off!" I'd never heard Andy this angry, not even in videos or interviews or even when they'd tried to murder each other last night. 

I knew what was going to unfold before they even hinted at it. A fight was brewing and it was a matter of time before one of them lunged for the other's throat. I jumped in between them, knowing that they wouldn't take the chance of hurting me. 

"Stop it! Just stop it! You guys have done nothing but fight ever since I've met you. I know mine and Andy's relationship has been fast, but I know it'll work out. Ashley, back off! I like you as a friend and maybe in the future, we can do a Twilight thing and you can imprint on my kid, but at the moment, leave me alone! I choose Andy! Does that settle it?" I yelled.

Ashley's eyes were cleared of all anger. My expression softened when I saw the tears and hurt that swirled in those oaky orbs. His hands went limp. 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, Ash! I didn't mean to blow up like that!" I apologized frantically. Ashley took two steps back, his expression hurt and somewhat stunned. He stormed out of the room and I heard the bathroom door slam shut. 

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