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Selena's pov
Justin- shocked and just sits there)

He just sat there when I told him... tears fell faster down my face. I looked down, turned around and walked out of the room. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a glass and some juice from the fridge. I dumped some in the glass and took a drink. I felt arms wrap around my waist causing me to jump. I turned around and looked at Justin. He looked at me with apologetic eyes. He sighed and apologized once again.

End of pov
Justin- Selena I am so so so sorry
Selena- sniffles) I know
Justin- puts his hand on her stomach then smiles at her)
Selena- smiles softly since upset)
Justin- we are having a baby!
Selena- nods)
Justin- how long did you know
Selena- yesterday
Justin- smiles) I have to tell fredo.. Wait are we telling?
Selena- he knows
Justin- wait what
Selena- he knows... He's the one who made me take a pregnancy test and when we went to get ice cream yesterday... We went to the doctors.
Justin- how far
Selena- 2 months
Justin- smiles) that's amazing
Selena- nods) yeah!!
Justin- I'm really sorry I wasn't here for dinner
Selena- it's fine....
Justin- no it's not... I know you are upset about it and I feel terrible
Selena- don't... It's fine I promise... I just didn't want to tell you like that
Justin- sighs) no it's not (grabs her and hugs her) I love you so much baby girl
Selena- I love you too!!
Justin- why did fredo make you take a pregnancy test though? Where did it come from
Selena- I threw up
Justin- but you are okay?
Selena- nods) I'm fine (pecks his lips) I'm happy!!! I was terrified of what you were you going to say
Justin- well I'm so happy!!
Selena- yeah (looks down)
Justin- what's wrong
Selena- well I'm due during your tour I'm pretty sure
Justin- oh crap yeah you probably will be
Selena- so I'm going to have to stay here
Justin- groans) I'm sorry...
Selena- it's okay
Justin- I might miss my baby's birth
Selena- looks at him) well I'll call you or have someone call you... I mean depending on where you are you can make it
Justin- sighs) this is such a bad time
Selena- looks down and bites her lip) you aren't happy
Justin- looks at her and feels bad) no baby that's not what I meant.. I'm so happy!! Just tour.. I feel like canceling it
Selena- you can't do that.. You'd let all your fans down
Justin- sighs) I know
Selena- it will be fine I promise maybe they will give you a month off for the month I'm due
Justin- hey! That's a very good idea I'll talk to scooter.. Wait we never said if we were telling people
Selena- considering I'm 2 months pregnant. I say yes! But I mean you get a say also
Justin- I say yes
Selena- smiles) okay... Then I have to call my mom and you need to call yours.. Then I have to call taylor and Ryan and tay's mom
Justin- nods) okay!
Selena- dials her moms number)
Mandy- answers) is everything alright?
Selena- giggles) yeah!!! Shoot I forgot I'm so sorry... I forgot it was super late there
Mandy- just 3 am
Selena- sorry
Mandy- laughs) it's okay hunny what's up?
Selena- I'm pregnant
Mandy- what!!!! That's amazing len
Selena- yeah we are pretty excited
Mandy- how far?
Selena- well 2 months.. But I just barely found out yesterday
Mandy- I'm so happy for you Hun!!
Selena- smiles) thanks!! I'll call tomorrow or FaceTime so I can tell gracie and Brian
Mandy- well you can tell Brian right now if you want.. He woke up from me being excited
Selena- laughs) alright
Mandy- okay! Here he is (hangs the phone to Brian)
Brian- hey Sel!! How are you?
Selena- good! And you?
Brian- good? So what's going on?
Selena- I'm pregnant
Brian- what?! Congratulations
Selena- thank you
Brian- how far are you
Selena- 2 months
Brian- 4 more months and you get to find out the gender
Selena- yeah! I'm so excited!!
Brian- what do you want?
Selena- I'd be happy with either! However I think it's a boy! And plus I've always wanted a boy first but I'd be totally fine with a girl
Brian- well I'm happy for you
Selena- thanks!!! I'll let you guys go!!
Brian- alright!!! Stay safe
Selena- you too!! Love you!
Brian- love you too!!
Selena- bye
Brian- bye sel
Selena- hangs up)
Justin- talking to his mom still)
Selena- walks over and hugs him)
Justin- wraps his arm around her waist while his other is on the phone at his ear)
Selena- laying against his chest)
Justin- thanks mom!!! Love you too!! Bye  (hangs up) Len let's head to bed
Selena- k!!
The doorbell rings

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