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The next day at the doctor
Nurse- puts the gel on Selena's stomach and moves the stick around) are you excited to find out the sex of the baby?
Selena- nods) yeah!
Nurse- smiles) alright!
Gracie- looking at the nurse)
Nurse- you are having a boy!
Selena- smiles and looks at Gracie)
Gracie- smiles)
Mandy- smiling)
Selena- thank you
Nurse- nods and wipes the gel off) congratulations Mrs Bieber
Selena- thank you so much!

In the car
Selena- well Gracie it's not a girl
Gracie- sighs) that's okay! I'm still excited
Selena- smiles and calls Justin)
Justin- answers) well?
Selena- giggles) I'm not going to tell you
Justin- what! Why?
Selena- smiles) because I know you have a concert in like 5 minutes
Justin- chuckles)
Selena- after your concert we will FaceTime
Justin- fine!
Selena- giggles) but I'm very excited about it
Justin- it's a girl isn't it
Selena- I'm not telling
Justin- it's a boy then!?
Selena- Justin I'm not telling!
Justin- fine! I'll call after
Selena- alright love you
Justin- love you too! Bye babe
Selena- bye (hangs up)
Mandy- why aren't you telling him
Selena- giggles) cause I want to see his face when I tell him! He wants a boy first so he'll be excited
Mandy- smiles)
Selena- turns to Gracie) what should we do when we get back to the house
Gracie- smiles) swimming!
Selena- giggles) I had a feeling you'd say that
Gracie- smiling wide

At the house
Gracie- swimming around the pool)
Selena- outside watching her with her feet dangling in the pool) Gracie you've been in here for 2 hours
Gracie- giggles) I love swimming
Selena- smiles) aren't you hungry
Gracie- no we are when we got home from the doctors
Selena- giggles) I know but I have to feed 2 people
Gracie- smiles) what are you going to name your baby?
Selena- I don't know yet! Do you have any ideas
Gracie- well I like this boy in my class and his names Lincoln
Selena- smiles) that's cute
Gracie- smiles and nods)
Mandy- walks out) Selena the door is for you!
Selena- confused) who is it?
Mandy- shrugs)
Selena- stands up)
Gracie- quickly get out wanting to come)
Selena- walks in the house with Gracie behind wrapped in a towel, goes to the door and squeals) TAylor!!! (Hugs her)
Taylor- hey sel
Selena- what are you doing here
Taylor- I came to help you out with your mom and Gracie
Selena- I've missed you so much!
Taylor- I've missed you too
Selena- how's your mom
Taylor- good!
Selena- smiles) that's awesome!
Taylor- nods) yeah they said the cancer isn't as strong right now
Selena- oh good!!
Taylor- oh! Guess who else is here
Selena- who?
Taylor- walks out onto the porch
Selena- follows her) RYan!!!
Ryan- getting the bags from the taxi) sel
Selena- how are you!
Ryan- good! How are you and the baby!
Selena- smiles) good!
Ryan- walks to the porch as the taxi drives off, sets the bags down and hugs Selena)
Selena- I've missed you
Ryan- I've missed you too!
They all walk in and Ryan puts the suitcases by the door. They all sit on the couches
Selena- I can't believe you guys are here
Ryan- well get used to it! We are here til the baby comes
Selena- smiles) I love you guys!
Selena's phone rings
Selena- oh it's Justin hold on, answers the FaceTime) hey babe
Justin- hey! K what is it!
Selena- smiles) it's a boy!
Taylor- squeals) what!
Justin- smiling super big) we are having a boy and is that Taylor?
Selena- smiles and nods) yes and (giggles) yes!
Justin- smiles) ugh I wish I could be there with you!! I'm so happy (can't stop smiling)
Selena- giggles)
Taylor- Selena I think you forgot to mention that
Selena- sorry we were talking about other things
Ryan- yeah! I get a nephew
Selena- smiles)
Justin- Ryan's there too?
Selena- nods) yeah they came today!
Justin- nods) good! I'm glad you aren't alone
Selena- well my mom and Gracie are here too
Justin- well I know that but ow you have more people to hopefully make the time speed by
Selena- nods) yeah! Well you must be exhausted you just finished a show
Justin- nods)
Selena- I'll let you go
Justin- k love you
Selena- love you too! Night' (hangs up)
Taylor- you're having a boy (hugs her) I can't believe it
Selena- smiles and hugs back) I know it's weird
Taylor- weird but exciting
Selena- nods and smiles) I'm so excited
Taylor- I bet!
Gracie- I'm excited too!! (falling asleep on Ryan)
Ryan- rubbing Gracie's back)
Selena- smiling at them)
Taylor- watches them also while sitting next to Selena)

Comment some boy names for the baby below and I will pick 3 and then I'll tell those and then we will vote for the babies name out of the 3!!
Thank you!!

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