15| Secrets untold

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Jasmin's POV

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted her." I snapped. I started running to find the girl with my dress. Searching for her was harder than I thought because everyone was wearing a mask.

"You think she took our dates too?" Vanessa asked, while following me.

"At least I know that she wasn't the one who stole mine." Emily scoffed.

As we run through the crowd of masked people I post a familiar person with a familiar dress.

"Michelle?" I ask. As I turn her to my direction. She seemed happy and she was talking to someone in front of her.

"Oh hey, Jasmin." She waves at me once she hears my voice.

"That's not Weston." Emily scoffs at me.

"We need to talk, now." I tell them. I lead them to a corner. Where there were couches and tables to sit and chat. I look around and I find a box labeled 'I thought you would need these back ;).'

"Hayden knew we were going to be here!" I said, opening the box revealing our phones, "We need to get to the bottom of this." I grab my phone and walk to Michelle.

"What did Hayden tell you about Vanessa?" I asked her.

"Nothing important." Michelle shrugged, I raise my eyebrow and she let out a soft groan, "Vanessa doesn't trust you."

"Wait, What!" I turn around and face Vanessa, "So our friendship has been a lie?"

"No!" She hesitated, "That was before."

I groaned and plopped myself down on the nearest couch.

"Hey, you lied about your past!" Vanessa defended herself.

"She did?" Michelle asked in shock.

"Yeah just like you lied about you and Weston." Emily snapped. Before you knew it, they were all screaming at each other back and forth. Yelling their lungs out about who was right or wrong. Vanessa was defending herself, Emily was yelling at Michelle and explaining why she paid her way into the team.

"I didn't tell her that." Echoed in my head from when Emily was shocked about the secret Vanessa revealed about her. I'm pretty sure Emily wouldn't have told anyone that, it would've put her basketball career at stake.

How else would Hayden know that? She was only with us to destroy us. That was the answer.

"Guys stop!" I yelled. Breaking the fight. They all went silent and all you could hear was the roaring sounds of the crowd.

"This is what Hayden wanted to do." I said, "She wanted to use these secrets to destroy us."

"We have to find her then!" Emily yelled, "She must've token my date hostage."

"I know, but we need to stay calm. You're all already torn apart." I say, looking at them up and down. Emily looks like she just woke up from a coma, Vanessa looks like she just got her hart torn out of her chest, and Michelle looks like she's about to have a seizure.

"I see her." Vanessa says, pointing at a figure that is walking the opposite direction of us. I have to confront her right now. I walk after her, not caring if she saw me. I'm the only one that won't die if I face her. My friends were all broken because of the secrets revealed; we will never look at each other the same. We don't know each other well so it's going to make it harder for us to trust each other again. Our secrets didn't tear me apart, but my heart will be torn out tonight. I just know it.

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