What if...

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Mark's POV.

It all started over last summer, he started to drift away from me. I missed him more than ever. I missed going on the "markson show" with him on ASC. I missed hanging out with him and so much more.

We still talk and we try to keep up some skin ship for the fans and all, but I still miss part of him.

I never realized why until now. I like Jackson Wang.

No not a oh hey I like you, lets be friends, but more of the type where you confess to someone....like in our latest song. That's when I realized my feelings.

He was always off with Bambam, and publicizing (A/N is that a real word?) their "relationship".

The only person that knew about my feelings was Youngjae. We've been friends since...gosh I don't even know how long. He's been there for me ever since then, and miraculously we've become extremely close friends.

Ugh, practice is so tiring, but as always I can't sleep with Jackson being on the top of the bunkbed.

I sighed way too loudly and he poked hi head down to look at me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

No I am not okay, I like you, but am too chicken to say that out loud.

"Um....I guess so" He hopped down from his bead and sat across from me.

"Nope not taking that as an answer"

"Well someone's being talkative today"

"What do you mean I'm always talkative?"

"I mean you haven't really been talking to me as much when we're away from the members"

"Oh, sorry I guess.....so.....tell me what's wrong"

Crap I thought I distracted him.

"Well.....um.....there's this person I like and we used to be really close, but now they're kinda drifting away and hanging with others"

Oh no, I said too much, now I'm roasted.

"Hmm....well you have been hanging around with us a lot, so she probably filled the gap with new friends and most likely misses you a lot.."

"Well first off it's kind....um....a guy"

"Wait what?!"

"I know I know, total shocker.....and secondly I actually see him quite often, but is hanging around with his new best friend more...."

"Oh....I'm sorry...I never knew you were gay.."

"Me neither, until I met this person"

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to about...him...then you've got a best friend right here to talk to, also sorry I've been distant lately."

"Eh, it's fine and thanks. Although I think I'm finally starting to move on.....also can you not tell the other members about this. Cause it'd be kinda awkward."

I'm not really moving on though.

"Yeah sure, my lips are sealed"

"Promise" I said as I stuck out my pinky finger.

" I promise, don't worry" we joined fingers and I smiled when I let go.

Should I ask him if he likes anyone, worst comes to worst he says he likes girls and then I'll be forced to move on.

"So who do you like" I asked as confidently as I could.

Jackson's POV.

Omg, he's gay too. I found out that I liked him a while ago, before our first Markson show but I backed off once I thought he didn't like me. The only person that knew about this was Bambam, that's why I spent all my time with him, because he got me. Even though firstly he likes girls first off and secondly the only person he'd come close with to dating from our group was Yugyeom, but there's nothing going on between them. At least not what I think.

What if he likes me. What if he finds out that the reason I've been distant lately is because of him. What if he thinks that I like Bambam more than him because I spend more time with-

Wait didn't he say that the guy hasn't been out with him as much.....is he talking about me....

What if he is what do I say what-

Jackson get control of yourself, try to focus on what Mark's saying.

"So who do you like" crap, what do I say.

"Someone in my life" yeah, play it cool Jackson, that was such a lame answer.

"Yeah, but like who" what do I do????

"Why don't you tell me first"

Nice respond Jackson..Why thank you..Ugh stop talking to yourself in your head.

"Nope, but we should probably go to bed soon, I'm starting to get tired"

"Ugh, but I don't wanna move, I'm too tired to climb back up to my bunk" I pouted, thinking that maybe he'll let me sleep next to him.

"Fine, I-i guess you sleep with me tonight" he stuttered, that means he most likely likes me!j

"Yay, thank you Mark"

"N-no problem, just don't get too close to me"

"But the bed isn't as big and I won't be able to fit" I pouted again.

"Ugh, just get in"

I crawled in next to him "Goodnight" I said as I yawned.

"Goodnight Jackson" he muttered as he closed his eyes.


First chapter's finally up, whoop whoop. But I was thinking of only making this 4 or 5 parts.

It may be longer depending on all of my readers (you guys).

But I'm trying to continue my Junhao fanfic with a sequel and am going to be making the story huge and amazing and big, so that should start coming out soon enough, maybe after like the third chapter in this fanfic (unless it's longer)

Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote! Byee!!!

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