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Jackson's POV.

I started to hear something while I was in dreamland.

Yes dreamland

"Mark?" I looked over at him and he was curled in a ball screaming.


He jolted awake and stayed there trying to catch his breathe until I pulled him up into a sitting position.

"Omg are you okay?"

I put my hand on the side of his face and lifted his face up to look at me.

"What happened?"

"Just a bad nightmare, sorry I woke you"

"Mark, tell me what happened"

He sighed and moved over to sit next to me.

I rested my head on his shoulder.

He reached over and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you"

This is now the second time hes said that

"I know, and I love you too.....what's wrong?"

I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

"Well...do you ever have a dream where everyone dies and your the only person left on the planet except for a small handful of people that you really don't like"

I nodded my head.

"Yeah it was like that, everyone started to die off it started with people that I didn't know, then went to people that I know but haven't talked to in forever. Then it went to some of my closer friends."

He sighed and I squeezed his hand.

"And then the other groups that were really close with, like BTS and Exo and Vixx and Seventeen."

I saw a tear roll down his cheek and lifted my hand up to wipe it off.

"And...and then it was my family and the group. They were all gone it was only you and I left, along with my 'enemies' and then one of them came up and stabbed you...right through the chest. That's when I started screaming for them to kill me too. But they wouldn't and I sat there screaming in my dream and apparently out loud until you woke me up"

We both sat there for a second until I decided to speak up.

"So I'm guessing you want to call up everyone and tell them how much you care for them"

He nodded his head and then rested it on my shoulder.

"Don't worry we won't end up dying that soon, it won't be like Romeo and Juliet"

"Good, because I don't think I'm ready to marry you in the next 18 hours or so. And then die."

I laughed and kissed the top of his head. "I won't leave you, don't worry. And you better not leave me or else I will-"

I then realized I had a pair of lips against mine. He pulled back after a few seconds and our faces were still centimeters apart.

I was about to say something until the rest of the members walked in. I pulled my hand back and we looked over bumping noses in the process.

"Oww" we both said and I reached up to rub my nose.

They were all standing there and Jaebum spoke up first "Mark, what happened?"

"Bad dream"

He said and then got up to hug them all. They all stood there with puzzling looks on their faces.

"Everyone died and I just wanted to tell you guys how much I appreciate each and everyone of you"

You could hear a chorus of Oh's from everyone.

"Anyways we're releasing the first teaser for our album today!" Jaebum said once again breaking the silence.

"Yay! When will it be released??" I hope soon

"After a few things that we have to take care of on V app"

"Ok, lets do them now" I said excitedly.

We sang karaoke and put it up on V app, Marks voice sounded so perfect. He sounds like an angel. And looks like one too.

Then we had the hyung line interview thing and I sat next to Mark! I really wanted to hold his hand too, but like no one knows about us...yet. I hope we can tell everyone soon but Mark still seems unsure about everything.

Then we finally were able to release the Flight log- Departure.

We all sat down to watch it, I of course sat next to Mark, again. There was one point when I grabbed his hand "accidentally" and he looked over at me with wide eyes.

I quickly let go and we went back to watching the rest of it . When it ended I got up and squealed like a girl.

Yugyeom got up and yelled "GROUP HUG" as he ran and hugged me.

Everyone joined in and we sat there for a minute squealing like little girls.

Then we all got up and went into our bedrooms after saying goodnight to everyone.

"Do you wanna call your parents?"

He nodded his head and picked up his phone to call them.

I sat there playing on my phone because it would kinda be awkward if I just stood there and watched him, even though I kinda wanted to.

I decided to get changed a while, knowing he'd be on there for half an hour or so.

When I got back he was sitting on the bed and patted the area next to him. I went and sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. 

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I could hear him and his parents just ending the conversation.

He ended the call and we just sat there. I moved my hand over to grab his and intertwined our fingers.

I looked up at him and closed the gap pressing our lips together. 

When we pulled back I laughed thinking of something.

"What?" he asked.

" I was just thinking that someday one of the members are going to walk in on us kissing and they'd just be freaked out"

"Yeah, we should probably tell them soon"

"Probably after we release the album because we don't want to set anything back"


I heard him yawning.

"I guess that means bedtime!"


I went to go turn off the light while he crawled under the covers. I climbed in next to him and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Goodnight" I said, but he was already asleep so I just cuddled into him. 


Finally I updated!! And 1030 words whoop whoop! But I still have a 300 words English essay to write on Romeo and Juliet . Oh well. 

I'm sorry this took so long. But I just got braces on Monday and it's like almost Friday and my mouth still hurts. So if you have any tips, please share!

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