Chapter Two

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Robin's POV

After our discussion, I went to the rooftop. The rooftop is Star and I's favorite spot in the tower. When I got there, I already saw her sitting down while hugging her knees.

Starfire's POV

I really can't believe he's leaving. I don't know if I did something wrong or if I made him mad. I even thought that someday, somehow, we are going to be a couple.

So am I wrong, for thinking that we could be something for real?~~

I sighed as I looked at the sunset. It made me remember sunrises. Sunrises were a huge part of our (Robin and I's) relationship. If we ever had one.

Now am I wrong, for trying to reach the things that I can't see? But that's just how I feel~~

I heard the door open. I didn't even look at it because I already knew who that person is. And unfortunately, that person is Robin.

Robin's POV 

I sat beside her. I took glances at her while admiring the sunset as well. "Starfire..." I started. She was still looking at the sky. "I'm going to come back. It's only for a few days."

"Promise me you'll come back?" She said, now looking at me. "I promise." I replied. 

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