The Showdown

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Hey everyone!

Sorry that this chapter took so long, but thanks for bearing with me :)

I also put a song in the media, it's a cover of the song 'Paper Hearts' by Tori Kelly, the cover is by Jungkook, who is a member of BTS, a K-pop group (my favourite). I'm so obsessed with it right now and I think it will go perfectly with sweet otp moments. It's even more amazing when you find out that he isn't even fluent in English! He's done more covers of English songs, like 'Fools' by Troye Sivan, which he did with Rapmonster, another member of BTS. If you like this, then maybe I could put more songs in the media section from now on?

I'm not sure if it will go well with this chapter, but please have a listen anyway! I hope you like it <3

Anyway, here you go :D


Wendy eyed Romeo as he struggled to carry the supplies in the sack over his back. Every time he tried to haul it over his back, it would always slide off. After letting Romeo have a couple more chances to maintain his pride, Wendy decided it was time to step in.

"Um...Romeo-san? Are you okay with the supplies? I mean...would you like me to carry some?" Wendy asked coyly.

Romeo was startled by Wendy, forgetting she was there. "Oh, Wendy-san! No, thanks. I think I've got it." Romeo chuckled nervously.

Wendy stood up and walked over to Romeo. "Romeo-san, not to be rude, but we should probably be leaving now, since we decided to sneak out of Fairy Hills as soon as possible to avoid conflict straight away, right? Maybe we should leave some supplies here, we can always get some more at the Gift Shop," Wendy suggested.

Romeo put the sack down, looking at Wendy. Feeling a bit like a child, he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh, you're right, Wendy-san. That's a great idea! Let's get going then."

Wendy nodded as they made their way out of Wendy's cute room, being careful to make as little noise as possible. Romeo carried some of the supplies as Wendy followed him to the back window on the ground floor. Wendy blushed and laughed a little as he wandered around like a lost sheep, not knowing where to go. After directing him in the way of the back window, he signalled for her to exit first, before he also climbed out of the window.

"Remember, Wendy-san, from this point on, anyone could attack us! We have to be extra careful of the exceeds too, who will probably be flying around at any time," Romeo reminded.

Wendy nodded in agreement. "You're right, Ro—" Wendy squealed as she felt Romeo's warm and soft hands covering her mouth and pulling her down, under the window. She scrunched her face up in confusion before realising that Romeo was pointing to something inside the building.

Wendy popped her head up a little to see what was inside the main room. A blur of purple, green, red and blue flashed before her eyes as she ducked down to avoid being seen.

"Laki-san and Kinana-san," Romeo stated.

Wendy bit her lip. "Romeo-san, what should we do? We said no confrontation unless we were forced to, but this is the perfect opportunity! They probably had the same idea as us, good job we were faster," Wendy said with a look of triumph on her face.

"I think we should attack, Wendy-san! They have no clue we're here, so we should be okay," Romeo whispered, grabbing two full waterguns from the sack and giving one to Wendy. "On the count of three. One...two...three!" Romeo shouted.

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