Chapter 9

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(A:N/ The gif on the side, let's just say I'll never be able to bear children because my ovaries are missing or EXPLODING!! That's all I have to say. You guys know the drill, comment PLEASE, vote PLEASE but most of all ENJOY AND FAN GIRL PLEASE! Love love love <3<3)

My brain decides to wake me before my body is ready, so I give in and groggily get out of bed. I don't bother opening the blinds because I don't really feel like being blinded by the light at 9:30 in the morning. Yes, my brain is an asshole sometimes.

I exit the unfamiliar bedroom and attempt to make my way to a bathroom in this foreign home. I eventually stumble into a toilet and I'm pretty sure I fall asleep for about a minute on the toilet. I wash my hands and clean my face and then, once again, attempt to find my way into the kitchen so that I can put food in my stomach. I seem to always be hungry, it can be quite irratating at times, but it can also come in handy at specific times.

At last I find my way into a very large, very modern kitchen. I recall moments from last night and I immediately know that I'm in Louis and Harry's flat. It seems like nobody's up yet and I'm pretty hungry so I decide to help myself. I find myself some cereal and begin eating. That's when Eleanor walks in. She's only in the shirt that Louis was wearing last night and her undies are covered by the length of the shirt.

"Morning!" She chirps happily.

"Have a good night?" I ask her with my eyebrows raised.

"Yes thankyou. How did you sleep? Well, I hope." She says and I smile at her.

"Yeah I slept really well actually. But not as good as you, I bet." I wink at her.

"Oh hush! Yeah you fell asleep like not even ten minutes into the movie and Harry had to carry you to bed." She says.

So that was Harry who put me in bed. My hand instantly flies up to my forehead and I remember the feel of his lips against my face.

"Harry took me to bed?" I ask trying to hold back my smile, thankfully Eleanor's back is towards me.

"Yeah." She says as she leans up to grab a bowl.

"That's nice of him." I say.

At that moment, Louis walks in. Shirtless. And oh my, does he have a great body! I quickly avert my eyes as he goes over and kisses Eleanor swiftly.

"Morning bumbum!" Louis pokes me.

"Bumbum? Is that my new nickname?" I ask, laughing.

"It might continuously change but for now, bumbum it is!" He replies.

"I think I prefer it when my mother calls me Junebug!" I say.

"Junebug?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"And don't you forget it!" I laugh.

"Oh how could I forget such a... colourful nickname. Junebug!" He winks at me and moves quickly before I can pinch his bare skin.

"I'll get you Louis Tomlinson!" I say.

"And your little dog too!" He mimics the Wicked Witch of the West. I can't help but laugh because he chose the perfect moment to reenact The Wizard of Oz.

"Sorry Witchy Poo!" I extend the joke and Louis and Eleanor both laugh.

"I see you've helped yourself to the food in MY cupboard, so I'd watch myself, missy!" Louis jokingly scolds me.

I use my fingers to show mysef locking my lips and then I hand the 'key' to Louis. He pretends to swallow it and I cover my mouth with my hand to stop from laughing out loud. At that moment, Harry walks in. Shirtless as well. Gosh what is with these guys running around half naked!? I quickly look down to my cereal bowl away from Harry's bare torso.

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