"If You Don't Have Something Nice to Say, Don't Say it at All"

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"If You Don't Have Something Nice to Say, Don't Say it at All"

This saying makes me angry on so many levels. With the uprising of right-wing feminists and equally extreme social justice warriors, these people fall back on this 'defense' time and time again in discussions and debates. While many might find it shocking to realize that we are all entitled to our opinions, these groups still think that telling others how to act and think is appropriate.

I have every right to speak my opinion no matter how much it may offend someone else's view on a chosen topic. Those who I speak my opinion to have every right to be offended by my stance on an issue and hate me in return. Regardless of how we feel, no one has any right to tell the other their opinion does not matter or that it is not valid. The first amendment states,

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Therefore, when someone tells me or another person that, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all" is actually infringing my right to protest and my right to speak freely. As much as the other party may not like what I say, they do NOT have the right to tell me or anyone else that my opinion is not valid, which is seen in the 'don't say it at all' section of the saying. People who use this saying are effectively trying to silence a portion of other people who do not share their same view and are not only being unequal and hateful, but they are close minded and unwilling to hear criticism or something they may not agree with.

I come across this issue hundred of times at my liberal college. I have an opinion that tends to be different from others and I will not stay silent because it conflicts with their ideas of a perfect society. College is a place where ideas and thoughts are to be tested and tried. One side of the campus should never be allowed to hush another because they do not like the idea of guns, for example.

 Not only do I hear this out in the everyday world at college, I also see this phrase written on profiles on Wattpad. It makes me sad and angry to see that people would be attempting to tell others to shut up before their opinions can even be heard, but I will not report anything. After all, this saying itself, is a form of freedom of speech. While it might be considered hateful or degrading to me, I feel that there is little to be done for it except start a debate. Find out why people use this phrase, question their argument, and take a stand! People need to speak their minds more than ever and no one should be told to hush, no matter the opinion. Debates are critical to understanding each other and learning more about opinions opposite to our own.

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