"Fandoms Are Damaging"

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"Fandoms Are Damaging"

I've heard this phrase targeted at many different fandoms, most of all those who call themselves Bronies or Furries. I see it on Youtube channels, on Facebook, or around the college campus. I go to a liberal school where most activities are accepted, but the idea that fandoms are bad for those involved is in my opinion, quite ludicrous.

Fandoms can be weird. Fandoms can be aggressive or a little too 'in your face' for some people. But in the end, what true harm are they actually causing? Everyone who wants to belong to a fandom or enjoy something they find interesting (such as loving The Avengers movie) can hardly be damaged by becoming part of something that is creative, spurs thought, and also brings people together in a community.

People can participate in the fandoms as much as they like or as little as they like. Some people like going to Cons where they can cosplay or buy art from the stands set up there. Others like to discuss the fandom over private messages or through writing. The only damage these fandoms cause are when people get sucked so deep into the world of their imagination that they cannot function in the real world. But there is nothing wrong with getting together or talking with people who share a common interest and want to discuss it.

Much like a debate, fandoms allow people to discover different opinions, new sides to the same story, and also a way to explore their own characters or personas through art and expression. Fandoms aid people who may be shy on the outside grow with a character or an image of themselves that they are or want to become and make something better for themselves. How is learning more about who were are damaging or weird? We are humans and we love to explore and communicate on many different levels. Fandoms are just one of the many outlets we have created to express who we are.

To all those that find fandoms to be a bane or a problem, let's debate! Where is the damage done? Becoming obsessed is harmful in a sense, but a fandom is not a drug. It is not the fandom that makes someone suddenly obsessed or lost in their own world. When people say fandoms are harmful, ask them to debate it. We are all entitled to our opinions, yes, but why not debate? Why not ask someone who thinks it's harmful why they believe it is?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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