I'm handsome

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Hello! After the big success of my other story Doctor Who Twitter I decided to make a Doctor Who Instagram 'story' I hope you guys enjoy this :)



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TheEleventhDoctor @ClaraOswald snapped this picture of me, don't I look handsome today with my bowtie? :) #BowtiesAreCool #Handsome #ReadyToSaveTheWorld

ClaraOswald I'm glad you liked that picture I made of you! :)

RoseTyler Is that your new regeneration?!?

TheEleventhDoctor yes, do you like it? @RoseTyler

RoseTyler I prefer your old one but you're still looking good


TheEleventhDoctor Yeah bowties are cool @DonnaNoble

RiverSong You're indeed looking handsome ;)

TheEleventhDoctor why thank you dear @RiverSong

JackHarkness Very sexy Doctor, next time a picture without clothes?

TheEleventhDoctor @JackHarkness please, not now

JackHarkness I bet your new regeneration has a very hot body ;-)

TheTenthDoctor so this is what my next regeneration looks like, at least I don't look old

TheTwelfthDoctor OI DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING AGAINST OLD?!? @TheTenthDoctor

TheTenthDoctor I don't have anything against old, I'm 904 years old remember I'm old @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor Of course I remember I was so young back in my tenth regeneration @TheTenthDoctor

TheTenthDoctor ... I'm not young @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor Yes you are now shut up @TheTenthDoctor

TheTenthDoctor OI @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor OI @TheTenthDoctor

TheEleventhDoctor Can you guys please stop fighting in the comment section of my picture? @TheTenthDoctor @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor He started it @TheEleventhDoctor @TheTenthDoctor

TheTenthDoctor I DID NOT @TheTwelfthDoctor @TheEleventhDoctor

TheEleventhDoctor Please stop @TheTwelfthDoctor @TheTenthDoctor

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