Day of the Doctor

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314 likes_______________________________ClaraOswald We're about to save Gallifrey! The Doctors wanted me to take a picture of them first to remember the moment though

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ClaraOswald We're about to save Gallifrey! The Doctors wanted me to take a picture of them first to remember the moment though. I hope it all works out well :) @TheTenthDoctor @TheEleventhDoctor @TheWarDoctor #Gallifrey #ThreeDoctors #TARDIS #Heroes

TheNinthDoctor hold on a minute, save Gallifrey with the war Doctor?

TheEeventhDoctor yeah, we need you too @TheNinthDoctor

TheNinthDoctor why? @TheEleventhDoctor

TheEleventhDoctor I'll tell you the plan when you arrive @TheNinthDoctor

RoseTyler I'm so happy for you all! I hope it works out :)

TheTenthDoctor Thanks Rose :) @RoseTyler

AmyPond More than one Doctor.... Aren't you creating a paradox? @TheEleventhDoctor

TheEleventhDoctor No, we sorted it all out don't worry @AmyPond

DonnaNoble This is great news! You can go back to your people if it works @TheTenthDoctor

ClaraOswald I hope it works too then I can meet more Timelords @DonnaNoble

TheTwelfthDoctor Oh Clara, I'm going to the Timelords right now to save you

ClaraOswald What are you talking about? @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor ask @Ashildr she's the one who worked together with the Timelords

Ashildr Of course lay the blame on me @TheTwelfthDoctor

ClaraOswald Who's @Ashildr I'm very confused

TheTwelfthDoctor oh sorry forget what I just said I didn't realize you're an early version

ClaraOswald Should I be concerned?

TheEleventhDoctor Wait if you are going to the Timelords does that mean we saved Gallifrey? @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor I'm not in the mood to talk considering Clara just... wait spoilers uhm considering I just met one hellish raven

Ashildr Nice one, you nearly spoiled it there @TheTwelfthDoctor


ClaraOswald uhm.... I'm really worried now. Since when is the Doctor so angry?

AmyPond I think he's in the Oncoming Storm mode @ClaraOswald

ClaraOswald Thanks @AmyPond yeah I think that explains it

TheTenthDoctor maybe we should all stop commenting and save Gallifrey already

TheEleventhDoctor hold on a minute @TheTenthDoctor right now I'm interested in what @TheTwelfthDoctor is going through considering I shouldn't have another regeneration after this one

TheTenthDoctor what did you do? I thought this was your eleventh regeneration, you have another regeneration you know @TheEleventhDoctor

TheEleventhDoctor more like what did YOU do @TheTenthDoctor

RiverSong I feel like there are a lot of spoilers

ClaraOswald I'm still concerned about @TheTwelfthDoctor, he has stopped commenting

Ashildr don't blame him, he's having a really rough time @ClaraOswald

ClaraOswald wait who are you again? @Ashildr

Ashildr a friend @ClaraOswald


Ashildr here we go again...

ClaraOswald Wait huh, I'm so confused @Ashildr you did what to me?

Ashildr I didn't do anything but @TheTwelfthDoctor likes to blame me @ClaraOswald

TheTwelfthDoctor also the Time lords @Ashildr

Ashildr yup he blames me and the Time lords @ClaraOswald

ClaraOswald well okay.... I'm going now. The Doctors and I are going to save Gallifrey! Well only the Doctors I'm just going to stand by and watch @Ashildr

Ashildr Don't worry too much about your future @ClaraOswald

ClaraOswald thank you, You seem very nice @Ashildr

TheTwelfthDoctor you are all distracting  me I'm trying to save Clara over here

RiverSong spoilers sweetie @TheTwelfthDoctor

TheTwelfthDoctor I don't care, it won't be the only rule I've broken today @RiverSong

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