Chapter Ten - Unedited

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Chapter Ten

I sit on a chair, examining Christian's marking. I know instantly it isn't the same as mine, because you can't have two dragon heirs. But it is so similar, I can't see what's different!

"Why are you so focused on the marking?" Christian asks and I blink back into reality,

"No reason..." I mumble and my gaze flickers back to the marking. The small, delicate white dragon is wrapped around a strong silver sword, with a bronze hilt. I lift my sleeve up and look at my own marking...exactly the same. I stare at the sword for a long time, then look back to Christian's marking. Come on, brain, think...I tell myself and study the sword.

"Come on, Arabelle. We need to go back to our rooms." Christian complains. I had talked him into coming to my house late at night because I needed to figure out why there was two dragon heirs, since we had spend the entire day out in the forest. I had a bunch of books open on pages talking about the marking, and nothing said anything about there being two...only ever one! I turn to a book and start to skim through the pages until I spot something that catches my eye,

Marking of the King's Advisor

Curiously, I look down to see if there is a picture and find nothing. Only a short description,

The King's Advisor is the one person who can argue with the law the King demands. His marking is much like the King's but has a chip in the sword.

A chip? I never thought of looking for something like that. My eyes glance back to the sword and sure enough, there is a chip in the blade of the sword.

"Aha!" I show Christian the picture, "Look!"

"What am I looking at?"

I point to the chip on the sword, "Look, there is a chip. That means it is different! Your marking is different."

Christian looks at the picture in the book, then to his marking, "Ok, so I'm not the dragons heir, but what am I, then?"

"Your my advisor." I give him a giddy grin and he just laughs,

"Ok, so I know the marking may say that, but I am not advisor material."

"I think your advisor enough. Advisors don't always have to be like the ancient one that the King has. You can be a quick thinking, plotting advisor."

Christian just laughs, then his eyes flicker to the clock, which shows it is ten at night.

"I've gotta get back to the castle, but I will come over again tomorrow...sis."

I walk him down the stairs and open the door, then give him a warm, friendly hug, "By brother."

"Big brother." He snickers, knowing he is born a few months before me, then jogs off to the castle. I close the door and head up the stairs again, knowing I should also get some sleep. I lay down in the large bed, which was once my mothers and my fathers, but it just feels so empty, even if I fill most of the bed. The house is silent, other than the very faint sounds of the servants breathing.

I realise just how much I really did miss my family. I wanted to come home to share the house with all my brothers. My throat begins to choke again when I remember that they are all dead. How did so much change in the four years I was gone? And the Queen has another kid...

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