Chapter 22

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Rose's P.O.V

His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me close. I kneeled my head into his stomach and then the phone rang.

He kissed me and then ran to the phone.

He picked up and nervously started biting his nails.

He whispered its for you with a concerned face, and passed it to me.

Hello I spoke, "What the fuck bitch" a familiar voice called from the phone.

"Who is this"I replied, "Your mother"she replied .

My face turned pale, "Um I think you have the wrong number"I convinced.

"Don't play dumb with me you little shit, Maria gave me your cell number and told me what happened " she hollered.

"What exactly did she tell you"I inquired.

"About a man that stole you in his car"She hissed.

"That'"I stuttered.

"Your what..."she snapped at me.

"Um..friend"I laughed.

"More like your boyfriend,Maria told me her cousin Angel heard everything at the bar"Mother warned.

"Like what" I cockily moaned.

"Moans"she answered.

"We're coming for you, you're grounded and wait till your father hears about this"She yelled and hung up.

I smashed the phone on the floor and told Harry "We need to go now, my mother is after us. She'll kill you and it'll look like nothing happened".

He picked me up and ran to the car and shoved us both in.

"Where to?"He asked.

"Some where far away"I gulped.

We drove for hours in one direction, hoping we would get some where.

We finally stopped in a little town, far from home and thought this was the perfect place.

We signed in and paid to stay in a hotel for a few nights.

As soon as we arrived we shut the curtains and locked the doors.

We took a deep breath and laid flat on the bed.

"Do you think she'll find us"I began to cry.

"Over my dead body"Harry replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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