Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You're sure you'll be okay staying at home with Tohru?" Shigure teased, saying my name in a sing song voice. Shigure and Yuki had to visit Akito, leaving Kyo and I alone.

"Shut up, dammit! You're the perv, not me!" Kyo yelled. You'd think he'd loose his voice from all of the yelling that he did, but nope. 

"Don't provoke him." Yuki said, giving Shigure a hard look. 

Shigure winked at Kyo, and opened the door. "Have fun."

The door shut, leaving me and my target alone. 

I smiled. "So Kyo, need help with any homework?"

"No." He mumbled. "I don't give a damn about school. I just want to beat that damn Yuki and become a member of the Zodiac."

So that's why he was always so angry at Yuki, he thought. Wait, how would beating Yuki make Kyo a member of the Zodiac? Unless it was some kind of bet or challenge.

I smiled, turning on my special Tohru charm. "Oh Kyo. You are so naive. There are so many other things to do than fight Yuki. It seems like a waste of your life."

He sighed. "Like what?" 

"Well, I'm sure with your good looks you could easily find a girlfriend. Or boyfriend I guess, if you're into that."

"I'm not good with people. I doubt I could handle a girlfriend. She'd just dump me. Besides, unless I wanted to date a member of the Zodiac I couldn't even hug her."

I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. "You can hug me."

"That's right! When you jumped Yuki he didn't transform."

Now it was my turn to get angry. I didn't want the Sohma's getting the wrong idea about me! "Oh no I didn't jump him! I fell, it was a complete accident."

He chuckled. "I know."

I relaxed. Time to get back to business. "Well, why don't you hug me? You must get lonely, being the cat and all." I hope that didn't sound rude, "I mean, I'm defiantly not one to judge-"

"It's okay, Tohru. I get it. Being the cat is no walk in the park."

"Well, It can be when you're with me." I smiled, taking a risk. I pressed my lips against his, testing him to see his reaction.

He seemed surprised. I'm sure no girl has ever kissed him before. 

He relaxed into the kiss, letting out a soft moan when our tongues met. I smiled, chuckling at the fact that he was moaning before I hardly got started.

"What?" He said, clearly self conscious about his kissing ability.

"Nothing, I've just wanted to do that since the moment I met you."

"Me too." He said between kisses.

I slowly unbuttoned the buttons on his shirt, throwing it aside. I grinned yet again, noticing the bulge in his pants.

"Wait," he picked me up. "we can go to my room."

As he carried me to his bed, I began removing my clothes. He was so distracted that I swear he almost tripped.

I removed Kyo's pants, and by now we were both naked. 

Kyo got on top of me, and swiftly moved into me. For a virgin, he was pretty good. Actually, really good. Did this guy get lessons or something?

I ended up finishing multiple times.

"There's no way you're a virgin." I panted, still out of breath.

"I'm not-why, did you think I was?" He blushed.


"Kagura. She's...obsessed with me. I'd keep this" he said, gesturing to our naked bodies, "on the down low. I don't know what she'd do to you if she found out about this."

I grinned. "Fine by me."

"Uh, I never really got into it. She blackmailed me."

I wrinkled my nose. This Kagura girl did not sound like someone I wanted to piss off. Still, since she was a Sohma, I had to get in her pants at some point. It would be quite a challenge since it seemed like she was head over heels for Kyo, though. 

"It's okay. My first time was with one of my best friends, Hana. I was kind of tipsy when she admitted that she had feellings toward me. We ended up having sex, and from my waves she could tell that I wasn't into it. We were both pretty embarrassed."

"Your..waves? Damn Tohru, you have some pretty messed up friends-ah! Sorry" He mumbled.

I couldn't believe how easy it was for Kyo to open up to me. He seemed so different when he was with Shigure and Yuki. I was still going to sleep with the rest of the Sohmas, but still I felt like Kyo and I bonded.

I heard a door swing open and jumped.

"It's just like Akito to get sick on the day we were supposed to meet him." I heard Shigure say.

"That damn Yuki always has to ruin my fun!" Kyo whisper yelled.

"Relax," I told him. "I'll just go to my room. Pretend I was never in here. Luckily we moved to your bed." I chuckled.

"Tohru, I hope you made your delicious cooking!" Shigure said in a sing song voice.

"Stop taking advantage of Tohru!" Yuki hissed.

"Oh I don't mind! But..I think today is a take out day." I was too tired from our lovemaking to make a meal.

"Oh, I suppose that would be good too." Shigure said, sounding disappointed. I felt guilty. Should I have cooked for them? I certainly owed it to them.

"I'll pay!" I chimed in.

"Dammit, Tohru. Don't give in to Shigure's whining. He can pay." Kyo spat. Wow, he sure was protective of me. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I needed to move on to the next Sohma. I just didn't know who that was going to be yet.

"Oh, Miss Honda." Yuki said, dialing the number for take out. With as many boxes of take out I cleaned up when I first got here, I'm surprised he dind't have it on speed dial. "I made a study guide for this next exam. It's upstairs on my desk if you want to get it. Otherwise I can get it for you."

I smiled. A perfect chance to inspect his room. Maybe I'd find some clues on what turns him on.

"No that's fine, I'll get it."

When I walked into Yuki's room, I noticed a little blue book with the word 'diary' on the cover. How lame. I picked up the book, curious on Yuki's thoughts. I wouldn't normally snoop through someone's stuff, but he was one of my targets, so I needed to know as much about him as I could without looking like a stalker.

I looked at the latest entry. It read:

Dear Diary,

I'm confused about my feelings for Tohru. At first I thought that I loved her in a romantic sense, but she takes such good care of all of us. I think I mistook romantic feelings for motherly feelings.

Motherly feelings?! I put the book down, appaled. Have I just been mother-zoned? Well, one thing was for sure, if I wanted to get into Yuki's pants, I had to act fast. Maybe he still had some romantic feelings for me in that strange little brain of his?

"Miss Honda, did you find it?" Yuki asked, stepping into his room.

I jumped. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, just day dreaming."

He smiled.

It was official: Yuki was my next target.

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