Chapter 2

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As I walked down the hallway, I spotted Kyo. So he was my first target. I grinned. This was going to be fun.

"Hey, Kyo!" I smiled and batted my eyelashes flirtatiously.

He looked irritated. "What?" He hissed.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know what Yuki meant last night when he said that he didn't change."

He thought for a moment. "I dunno, that damn rat is an idiot. How should I know what he means?"

"Tohru, can you come in here?" Shigure called from the kitchen.

"Sure!" I called, and made my way into the kitchen.

"Given this unusual situation, Akito has given you permission to stay with us."

I gave him a funny look. "Whaa...?"

"Let me explain. You may not believe me, and I have no way to prove it to you right now. Thirteen of the Sohmas are cursed. When we are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, we transform into an animal of the Chinese Zodiac. That didn't happen with you, which is probably the reason Akito said you could stay with us. Would you like to live with us?"

My eyes narrowed. "What are you on?" I asked, wondering if I should leave this house.

"He's telling the truth, how the hell could you make up a story like that?" Kyo groaned.

"Drugs." I replied. "My mom stayed away from them, but some of the other members of her gang got hooked."

"How the fuck did you turn out so innocent if your mom was in a gang?" Kyo asked.

Oh, if you only knew about what goes on in my brain, Kyo, I thought.

"Whatever," I said, "I won't believe it until I see it, but I have no reason not to." Plus, I really need a place to stay, I added silently. Staying with a bunch of sexy Sohmas was a thousand times better than a tent!

"Good enough." Shigrue said, and looked at the clock. "Well, it's about time you went to school. Yuki, Kyo, don't you think it would be a good idea to walk Tohru to school?"

"Yeah, yeah." Kyo muttered.

Yuki nodded his head, and we left for the school. Yuki and Kyo looked incredibly sexy in their uniforms, and I think I even saw Yuki checking me out in mine.

Guys that make it obvious are too easy, I thought. Too bad I had to fuck Kyo before Yuki.

"So, do you guys enjoy school?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

Kyo wrinkled his nose. "What's to like about school?"

"Oh, lots!" I mused. "You get to learn lots of new and interesting things, and hang out with your friends-well, that is until they decide to travel the world for the year, leaving me behind."

"That's pretty crappy." Kyo sympathized. Either that, or he was just complaining.

"No, it was their dream to travel the world. I didn't have enough money because I'm saving up for college, but I'm happy for them."

I glanced over at Kyo, who was awkwardly staring at the ground. Did this guy know how to keep a conversation going? Well, at least he wasn't yelling this time.

We walked up the stairs to the school. "Well, I'll see you two at lunch." I smiled, and headed to my first period class. To my surprise, Kyo followed me into the classroom.

"You have English first period? I never noticed." Truthfully, I hadn't seen Kyo at all around the school before today. I must have just not noticed him, not that his orange hair made it easy for him to blend in with the crowd.

"I always sit in the back so I'm less likely to get called on." He mumbled, and went to sit down.

I had to figure out a way to get Kyo to talk to me, or he would never fall for me.

"Alright, class. Today you will be working in pairs on an essay about one of the Greek gods or goddesses, and..." the teacher rolled his eyes. "I guess you can pick your partners."

Everyone instantly paired off and began chatting about anything but the assignment.

I walked to the back of the room. "Kyo, will you be my partner?" I grinned. I knew I would end up doing most of the work, but I could gain myself some valuable 'bonding time' with Kyo.

"Fine. You do realize I don't give a damn about my grades, right?"

"I'd rather work with you than a complete stranger." I replied.

"Okay, let's get this paper over with. Who do you want to write about?" Kyo asked.

"Since I chose that we were going to be partners, you can choose who to write about." I grinned.

"Fine. Aphrodite." He replied.

"You just picked her because she's hot!" I teased.

"No, I picked her because she's the only one I can remember."

"Pick someone else." I said stubbornly.

"What? No! You said I could pick, so I picked." He replied, being equally as stubborn.

"Okay, okay." I said, pretending to give in. I didn't really care all along, he was just so fun to tease!

We worked on our paper for half of the class, but since I was an expert on Greek mythology, we got done pretty early. I decided to use this time to talk with Kyo.

"Why are you so mean to people? Do you not like friends?" I asked.

Kyo rolled his eyes. "Why do you care?"

Because you act like a major dick to everyone, I wanted to say. Instead I said, "You seem to push people away."

"I can't help it. It's who I am." He sighed. "I'm just the cat."

I blinked. "Huh?"

He snapped back into his usual self. "Didn't Shigure explain this to you?"

I remembered Shigure telling me that the Sohmas apparantly turned into animals.

"So you're the cat from the old story?" I asked excitedly. I had always loved the cat, it was great to meet him in person.

"I guess you could say that." He replied. "It sucks, though, having everyone treat you differently because of it."

So that's why he puts up a wall, I thought. He's afraid of people rejecting him.

The bell rang, and students scampered out of the classroom and into the hallway.

"Tohru..." he hesitated, "thanks for the chat."

I smiled. "No problem! Any time!"

Kyo was already starting to warm up to me. This task was going to be easy.

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