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I have your poison running though my veins,
And I feel like I'm lost in the pouring rain,
I know that you're terrible for me,
But I always look past the pain.
I would rather have my heart broken again,
Than not know what could be "we".
I told myself just to give you one more chance,
And you had me in the palm of your hand with just one glance.
I really love you, but this time i won't tell,
Because I'm scared you only want to get in my pants.
I fell for you after that one dance,
And for you, I would go through hell.
I guess I sort of already have,
But then I refound your path.
They say you only know you love someone when they don't love you back,
And that seems like a pretty true fact.
Please, won't you one day see me,
As the beautiful creature that I see you?

Poems...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora