Chapter 4

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The next day, Jeongguk came to school earlier than usual. He can't risk the chance of seeing Taehyung dancing.

He also found his friends already here. Well, they don't wanna miss seeing Taehyung doing the dare.

After a few minutes, Taehyung finally appeared and is now walking towards his friends.

"You guys came early. Do you really wanna see me half naked that bad?" Taehyung said, laughing. They just rolled their eyes at him and told him to just do the fucking dare.

Jeongguk is not ready. Who knows what will be Jeongguk's reaction when he sees Taehyung half naked while doing a sexy dance. He doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his friends. Especially to Yoongi since Yoongi is noticing Jeongguk's stares at Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded and went to the middle of the courtyard. He stopped when he reached the spot and looked around.

People are now started staring at Taehyung, wondering what the hell he's doing. And others are just simply checking him out, wearing a simple white shirt that is too big on him, his collarbones exposed. Just by seeing Taehyung's collarbones is making Jeongguk's mouth water. What will happen to him if he saw Taehyung without his shirt on? He'll die, that's what will happen.

Taehyung grabbed his bag and took something out. A speaker. He set down his bag beside him and grabbed his ipod to play music. The Hills by The Weeknd started playing.

Jeongguk saw Taehyung grinned before started dancing.

Gasps, whimpers, moans, and whistles are everywhere when Taehyung started doing his sexy dance. Jeongguk's friends are laughing. And Jeongguk? Well, he's currently digging his grave while tears are streaming down his face. Tears of fucking joy.

Jeongguk can feel his cock hardening. Dirty images flashing through his mind. Images that includes naked Taehyung.

When Taehyung started lifting up his shirt, the noises grew even louder. Jeongguk saw from the corner of his eyes that some teachers appeared as well. The older teachers have scowling face while the younger teachers are secretly enjoying it, trying to hide the smile. Of course they're enjoying it.

Now, Jeongguk is hard. Hard as fuck and he just hopes no one sees it. He's currently standing beside Jimin and he can't let him see Jeongguk's bulge.

After a few more minutes of torture, Jeongguk finally decided to run. He can't contain himself anymore. He needs to go somewhere far away from Taehyung.

He went to the boy's washroom and locked himself in the farthest stall. He was breathing hard and a moan is trying to escape his mouth when the image of Taehyung half naked appeared in his head. Fuck you, Taehyung.

After the chorus of the song, Taehyung finally decided to stop. He quickly turned off the song and picked up his shirt on the ground. The dare wasn't really that hard. It was actually pretty easy.

He saw that his friends already left. Maybe they already went to their classes because the classes already started five minutes ago. Taehyung was quite confused why the teachers didn't stop him. Did they really enjoy his sexy dance?

Taehyung smirked as he walks away. He heard some girls (and boys) begging him to do it again. And Taehyung was pretty sure he saw his french teacher wiping her drool.

When he was finally out of their sight, he went straight to the washroom, to organize himself. He's pretty sure his hair is really messy.

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