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Regina and Emma didn't return to the party, instead choosing to wander the gardens in the twilight. Their hands entwined they made their way to Regina's favourite place in her kingdom, the brook over looking the forest. The silence was laced with happiness as the two girls walked slowly to the water. When they reached the edge of the water Emma looked shyly up at Regina, "so..." she began, biting her lip while she thought about what she wanted to say. They sat on a bench and faced each other. "Emma, I actually don't know what to say", Regina laughed. Then Emma laughed and both girls were giggling. Catching her breath Emma spoke, "Regina, you're my best friend and I love you so much, I just couldn't tell you before, I thought you may say you didn't and then I would lose you..." Emma trailed off and a sob broke her voice. "Oh Emma", sighed Regina. Regina wiped Emma's tears away with her fingers and pressed her forehead against her best friends. "How could I not love all of you."

The celebrations were winding down and King Alibe had already retired to his suite. Briana, Regina's mother was pacing their room, "where was she all night? hmm? I had at least four men for her to meet, she will be my death Alibe!" The king sighed as he tried to understand his wife's need to marry off their only daughter. "Briana, my dearest, let's leave her tonight ok? It's her birthday after all." Regina's mother stopped her pacing and sank on the end of the bed. "Oh, Alibe, I just want her to be happy, and well cared for when we are gone, it could happen all too soon and she would be left alone." "She would not be alone, my sweet, Emma has..." "Emma? That child and her obsession with my daughter" Briana huffed. "It is not a one way street, Regina does not let Emma out of her sight either." 

Briana finally fell to sleep after a long night of ramblings to her husband. She was terrified something would happen to her or King Alibe, after Aofie had passed away Briana had been very concious of life and how it has to end some day. Aofie was her friend, and after she had died she had retreated into her kingdom and not really paid much attention to the running of Makuria. Her husband understood and had taken much of the responsibility onto himself and for that she was grateful. She was very partial to nightmares since she had lost her friend, most contained forests and dark caves, the fairies of the enchanted forest and witches. 

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