Aine and Hecate

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Emma's reading had been mostly in books that she had bargained and traded for at the market, she wasn't technically supposed to be reading such books as most were banned from Mila. Emma now knew why, she had thought to ask Orla but then she would know what she was doing and she was looking for Regina. After reading for a long time Emma had come to terms with the fact that Mo shíorghrá wasn't a great omen in Mila and this is why Orla was so afraid. The Sun and the Moon Goddessess that Mila and Makuria worshipped were in fact real people a very long time ago. They were the first couple to be Mo shíorghrá. They were the reason Orla was afraid for they had loved each other deeply. Too deeply Emma had deduced and so were banished one with a dark heart, Hecate was to be Goddess of the Moon, and one with a light heart Goddess of the Sun, Aine. This tale had been wiped from Mila and Makuria's history and the Godessess were made into prayer, something the people of Emma's land could look up to, to pray to. Not be afraid of as no one knew the true story. But now Emma knew and she would try to save Regina for she believed Regina to have light heart, Emma believed Aine would guide her to Regina, to her Mo shíorghrá.

Shea was in the forest at Orla's request. The King had passed and now a bás would let him pass over and maybe the King would have a few nice words to leave to Emma. So Shea waited for the King. At long last the King appeared, weary and tired he approached the bás.

"And still they love one another unbiased and unjudged Knowing both their faces Are tainted and smudged And still they love one another unbiased and unjudged Knowing both their faces Are tainted and smudged..." The Kings words as a rhyme hit Shea like a hammer to her skull, he was repeating what his wife Aofie had sung many years ago. Shea was afraid, she knew of Emma and Regina's relationship and knew what it may mean if they were to continue. She was secretly glad in her heart that Regina had been taken, it was an awful thing to think of a child but she could not help it. Things would have been far worse if Regina had stayed and loved Emma with her whole heart. Aine and Hecate had not fared well, Aine's father had seen to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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