Posted on September 17, 2022 (Third Post)

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The pub was empty except for two men by the front entrance. A candle burned on every table. Neil Young played in the background and the scent of air freshener crept from the washrooms near my booth where Marie found me.

"Hello," Marie said cheerfully, and leaned over the short table to kiss me. "What are... we drinking?" Marie asked.

The server snuck up beside us. "What can I get you?"

"Two black coffee's please, with milk on the side," I said.

"Would that be all?"

"Yes, thanks".

She walked away as silently as she appeared.

"I'm so sleepy today," Marie rolled up her sleeves. I pretended to read the dessert menu, my mind still on Will.

"So, what's that thing?" Marie said.


"That... that thing you had to tell me."

"Yea," I said. The server returned with a ceramic milk pourer. "This morning, the weirdest thing happened." My eyes squinted.

"What happened?" Marie said.

"Last night, I told Will he had to move out." I paused, unsure how to say the next part.


"He was drunk out of his mind. And got violent," I shook my head.

"What?" Marie said, shocked.

"I told him he had to move out, and then he got angry, and pushed me," I said.

"Oh my God," Marie's eyes widened.

I ripped my napkin into long strips. "He didn't hurt me -- I mean, he apologized like crazy. He was really drunk. But that's not the weirdest thing." I paused again.

Marie leaned in.

"This is going to sound unbelievable," I said with a serious look. Marie stared at me intently. "This morning, I looked into Will's room, and everything was gone."

"What do you mean?" Marie said.

"All his stuff -- clothes, stuff -- they were all gone," I said.

She furrowed her brows. "Everything?" she said.

"Yea," I shrugged.

"You didn't... hear him leave?"

"That's the thing. I didn't hear him."

"He's...I don't know. What are you going to do?" Marie said. The server returned and put our coffees in front of us. I looked down into my coffee as if an answer was there, floating.

"I don't know," I held the corner of a new napkin close to the flame of the candle at our table, teasing it. "He paid rent for four months and he only stayed about two. He wouldn't just leave without coming back for the rest of the money, would he? I don't know. I just want to forget about him, and let him disappear. But he still has the keys, and I don't want to keep thinking he's going to walk in anytime."

"Call him."

"I only have his email. I was planning on emailing him tonight if he doesn't get in touch with me first." I took a sip from my coffee and held my eyes on Marie from over the rim of the cup.

"So strange," she said.

I shook my head and held the napkin closer to the flame.

"My cousin disappeared back in high school," Marie said. "She was gone for like a whole summer, then one day she just came home. We were all pissed at her."

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